
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Bakery Department

  • Has all Food Safety documentation been completed?

  • Do department cleaning standards reflect cleaning schedule documentation?

  • Has a quality check been completed in the department?

  • Are all ISB ingredients stored and labelled correctly with description and use by on low risk products and trace labels on high risk products?

  • Are all products in the department correctly ticketed? This includes correct application of BB and UB to thawed products.

  • Are department presentation standards and filling in line with business expectations?

  • Are morning tea lines on show?

  • Are department promotions on show and availoable for purchase?

  • Has promotional planning been completed?

  • Have joint orders been completed?

  • Are tables and off-location displays merchandised correctly?

  • Are planograms correct and up to date?

  • Have daily markdowns and code checks been actioned following correct process?

  • Is there evidence that ASR routines are in place in the department?

  • Has SOH report been checked and actioned? (Friday)

  • As a customer how would the department be rated today?

  • Additional Comments

Serviced Deli

  • Has all Food Safety documentation been completed?

  • Are all required sections of the Hot Food book completed correctly?

  • Do cleaning standards and tidiness in the department reflect cleaning schedule documentation?

  • Is all equipment clean and in working order?

  • Has a quality check been completed in the department?

  • Have markdowns and code checks been completed in line with business process?

  • Are customers being engaged by deli team members? Is the queue buster in use?

  • Is the full range of BBQ chickens on show. Is the BBQ chicken production planner in use?

  • Are department presentation standards and filling in line with business expectations? <br>Behind the glass, Cheese Cases and Convenience Meals

  • Are all products in the department correctly ticketed including country of origin?

  • Are all promotional items on show and available for purchase?

  • Has promotional planning been completed and signed off?

  • Are coolroom stock levels, codes and trace labels correct?

  • Are planograms correct and up to date?

  • Is there evidence that ASR routines are in place in the department?

  • Has SOH report been checked and actioned? (Friday)

  • As a customer how would the department be rated today where 1 is very poor and 7 is very good?

  • Additional Comments:

Fresh Produce

  • Has all Food Safety documentation been completed correctly?

  • Do the department cleaning standards reflect the cleaning schedule documentation?

  • Has the floor in the department been swept prior to store opening?

  • Is all equipment clean and in working order?

  • Has a quality check been completed? One crate test, three times daily?

  • Has a quality check of floral been completed?

  • Are customers being engaged by mebers of the produce team?

  • Are department presentation standards and filling in line with business expectations?

  • Is there evidence of trim and crisp routines in place?

  • Are promotional products on show and merchandised in line with current week's plan?

  • Has promotional planning been completed and signed off?

  • Are all products ticketed correctly, including country of origin?

  • Are fresh cuts stored at the correct temperature?

  • Are planograms correct and up to date?

  • Has SOH report been checked and actioned?

  • Is there evidence that ASR routines are in place in the department?

  • As a customer how would the department be rated today?

  • Additional Comments.

Meat and Servery

  • Has the Food Safety documentation been completed correctly?

  • Do department cleaning standards and tidiness reflect cleaning schedule documentation?

  • Is all department equipment clean and in working order?

  • Is user list for bandsaw current? Are listed users trained?

  • Do department presentation standards and filling meet business expectations?

  • Are all products, including servery, ticketed correctly?

  • Are all current promotional items on show and available for purchase?

  • Is full range of mince on show?

  • Is PI on primals completed each Thursday?

  • Are planograms correct and up to date?

  • Has promotional planning been completed and signed off?

  • Is there evidence that ASR routines are in place in the department?

  • Has the SOH report been checked and actioned? (Friday)

  • Are customers being engaged by servery team members? Is servery manned 100%?

  • As a customer how would the department be rated today where 1 is very poor and 7 is very high?

  • Additional Comments.


  • Has the Food Safety book been completed correctly?

  • Are day dots being used correctly in the department?

  • Has a qulity check been completed in the department?

  • Is the seafood thaw planner being ised?

  • Do the department cleaning standards and tidiness reflect the cleaning schedule documentation?

  • Is all equipment clean and in working order?

  • Do the department presentation standards and filling meet business expectations behind the glass and in MAP pack section?

  • Are all current promotions on show and available for purchase?

  • Has promotional planning been completed and signed off?

  • Are all items in the department correctly ticketed, including country of origin?

  • Are coolroom and freezer stock levels, codes and trace labels in line with business requirements?

  • Is there evidence of ASR routines in place in the department?

  • Has the SOH report been checked and actioned? (Friday)

  • Have markdowns and code checks been completed in line with business process?

  • Are seafood team members engaging our customers?

  • As a customer how would the department be rated today where 1 is very poor and 7 is very good?

  • Additional Comments.

Longlife, Perishables and Stockroom

  • Do presentation standards and filling meet business expectations?

  • Is SFP used at an acceptable level when filling?

  • Are ends and off-location displays tied up correctly to SPDB?

  • There should be no standard price off location displays.

  • Are Moff bins tied up with lines >$4?

  • Are all current promotional items on show and available for purchase?

  • Has promotional planning been completed and signed off?

  • Have all outdated tickets and POS been removed?

  • Is there evidence of ASR routines in place - gap scans, negative stock, PIU verification, LNO, LTO and fill reporting?

  • Are planograms correct and up to date? Are deleted lines being managed correctly?

  • Is SMP set up correctly in stockroom and coolrooms?

  • Are routines in place for filling key areas - drinks, chips, water, eggs?

  • Has the Food Safety book been correctly completed?

  • Are temperature equipment calibrations and ice point checks completed as required?

  • Do the cleaning standards and general housekeeping reflect the cleaning schedule documentation?

  • Are there customer trolleys in the stockroom?

  • Are the bins locked and opened only for service 80?

  • Are team members adhering to the red line policy at all times?

  • Is the orders by expected date report printed daily?

  • Is the damaged stock area / repair station clean and tidy?

  • Is the plant room locked and accessible?

  • Are only authorised users as listed, using electric pallet jacks and pedestrian forklift?

  • As a customer, how would the department be rated today, where 1 is very poor and 7 is very good?

  • Additional Comments

Service and Checkouts

  • Has the Food Safety documentation been completed correctly?

  • Are clean trolleys and baskets available for our customers?

  • Have today's grids been reviewed?

  • Is customer entry free of clutter and obstruction?

  • Are all team members wearing preferred dress including name badges?

  • Have priority one and two sheets been completed with power hours highlighted?

  • Are visitors to the store signing in? Is the visitor's book secured? Do we outline our evacuation plan to all visitors?

  • Has the previous day's STARS report been reviewed?

  • Are all register errors over $20 investigated? Are errors over $50 communicated to group manager?

  • Is all regulatory signage and POS current?

  • Have all team members completed sale of tobacco training?

  • Do department presentation standards and filling meet business expectation? This includes impulse racks, drinks fridges, magazines and newspapers.

  • Are key registers manned during trade?

  • Is SCO attendant engaging with our customers?

  • Is Customer Service Team Leader 'in the zone' and engaging with our customers?

  • Is there evidence of ASR routines in place in the department?

  • As a customer how would you rate the service department today where 1 is very poor and 7 is very good?

  • Additional Comments.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.