Title Page
Document No.
Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
General safety
Is your emergency response plan updated regularly
Is your environmental policy document updated as required
Are fire drills performed regularly to ensure all staff are familiar with the equipment and procedures
Is there adequate signage to indicate fire exits and emergency assembly areas
Are evacuation orders displayed and up to date
Are all emergency exit signs lit and clearly visible
Are the fire extinguishers tested regularly to schedule
Are fire extinguishers positioned correctly
Are the floors clear and free of obstructions
Is the lighting adequate for the tasks
Are the workstations clean and uncluttered
Are computer screens positioned to avoid glare
Are all users inducted in the safety and environmental protection rules of the marina
Is there appropriate signage for emergency awareness and evacuation plans
Are contractors working on the marina accredited and signed in
Are the fire extinguishers in place and serviced regularly
Are fire hoses serviced according to the standards and fully operational
Are the safety ladders in place and secured
Are the life rings in place and serviceable
Are all boats moored securely
Are the pontoons free of damage
Are all taps off and not leaking
Are the power leads intact and plugged into the correct outlets
Are the pontoons clean and free of obstacles
Are the pontoon lights timed correctly
Are the security lights operating correctly
Is the spill kit in place and seal intact
Are the waste bins available, good waste separation and timely emptied
Are all access paths clear and free from obstruction or trip ha
Are the security gates operating correctly
Service complex
Are fuel dock procedures in place and adhered to
Are all staff fully trained in fuelling procedures and risk management
Is adequate signage displayed to ensure safety and security
Is the spill kit available and fully stocked with seal intact
Motors and all electrics switched off
No persons on board
Fire fighting equipment available and functional
Equipment and maintenance
Are life jackets worn by all crew
Are life jackets serviced and checked and serviced in accordance with manufacturers instructions
Is all safety equipment for the RIB in place and serviceable
Is the RIB clean and kept inflated
Is refuelling performed safely with all electric switched off and fire extinguisher available
Is the RIB motor serviced according to the manufacturer standard
Are all power tools maintained in good working order
Are only battery powered tools used near the water to reduce the risk of electrocution
Are all power leads tagged and tested at least annually
Is the environmental plan updated regularly as new issues arise