
  • Document number (month/day/year)

  • Laboratory name:

  • Laboratory address:

  • Lab Manager / Supervisor:

  • XTO Division:

  • Reason For Assessment:<br>

  • Audit Conducted on:

  • Personnel Interviewed / Assessed:

  • Prepared by:

Section 1: Miscellaneous


  • Is there a contract in place between XTO and the lab?

  • Does the contract contain the appropriate DIAF language outlined in Global MAP?

  • Has this laboratory been previously assessed by XTO or ExxonMobil, XTO?

  • What was the date and the out come of the last assessment?

  • What field site(s) / location(s) does this lab service?

  • What type of samples are being analyzed for XTO by this laboratory (oil, gas) ?

  • On average, how many XTO samples are being analyzed per year?

  • Does this laboratory perform any environmental analysis for XTO at this location?

  • Please gather all information possible on environmental samples being performed:

  • Does lab have a quality assurance manual, or (SOP's) Standard Operating Procedures for testing, equipment operation, data hadling, etc.?

  • Certain SOP's are written to follow the test method. On these, do they follow the test method?

  • Does lab personnel undergo periodic training? (Test methods, ethics)

  • Does the temperature of the laboratory remain stable?

Section 2: Product Handling

Product handling:

  • Do the cylinders arrive in a proper safety transport case?

  • If not, report this concern to the operations supervisor

  • Do they have the proper sample tags attached?

  • Does the sample tag contain the proper information, and is it properly filled out?

  • Is the laboratory responsible for pulling / gathering any samples in the field?

  • Does lab staff have an SOP for the field sampling?

  • Follow up with XTO Operations to ensure lab staff is witnessed, per 6MAP

Section 3: Gas Chromatograph Operations

Gas Chromatograph:

  • What is the frequency for calibrating the GC?

  • Is the calibration gas standard representative of the gas samples being analyzed for XTO?

  • Is the calibration gas standard being heated per industry standards (GPA-2261, ASTM, API-14.1)?

  • Is the pressure on the calibration gas standard cylinder adequate?

  • Is the calibration gas standard certificate available?

  • Is the calibration gas standard shelf-life current?

  • Is the calibration gas standard traceable to NIST?

  • What is used as Carrier Gas and what purity is used?

  • Are statistical Quality Control tools utilized (Repeatability, & Reproducibility tolerances per ASTM, API, GPM)?

  • Are any other forms of SQC being used?

  • Does the lab meet the 10 year data retention requirements?

  • What is the retention period? Can the Lab meet our retention requirement?

  • Are the samples being heated (per test method) prior to being analyzed, per test method?

  • Does the lab have the most current and applicable test methods?<br>(GPA-2145 / 2172 / 2261)

  • Does the composition of the calibration gas standard match the integrator software?

Section 4: Equipment


  • Are procedures in place for cleaning the sample cylinders?

  • Is there evidence of maintenance being performed on the GC's (logbook, filter changes, column change outs)

  • Is there any equipment that requires to be re-certified?

  • If yes, list equipment

Section 5: Internal Audit Program


  • Is any of the following process's in place: Internal audit process, or a Round Robin / Cross Check program in place?

  • Were there any prior audit findings or concerns that were still unresolved during this audit?

  • Was a Test Method Assessment performed?

  • Which Test Method?

  • Was the Test Method performed correctly?

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.