
  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location

Yard / Feedlot General Administration

  • Are supervisors on site and providing supervision

  • Are all individuals who work in the area up to date with current required training

  • Is specific and suitable PPE supplied (i.e. Skellerup Quatro insulated rubber boots or equivalent, long sleeve shirts, hats, sun glasses, sun cream etc)<br>

  • What is the Yard Pen / Feedlot Pen Capacity

  • Is the Yard / Feedlot Pen above capacity

  • What is the cleaning schedule for the Yard / Pen

  • What are the current weather conditions during the audit

  • What is the overall appearance of the yard / feedlot (in total - do not silo answer - make it holistic of the entire area covered)

  • Does housekeeping meet JBS required standard

  • Do you have cement yards

  • Do you have gravel yards

  • Do you have a cement animal wash area



  • Are gate latches suitable for the area (ie slam catch versus chain latch)

  • Are gate hinges in good condition

  • Do gates move freely, (are they stubborn, creating ergonomic hazards)

  • Do the gates open to the correct side i.e. maximise livestock flow

  • Is the opening and closing system appropriate to the level of risk at that gate

  • If chain latch, is the chain a rated chain?

  • Are slide gates automated were appropriate

  • Are gates in identified 'high risk zones' automated / power operated to reduce the level of risk


  • Do holding pens provide enough space for the animals to stand up, lie down and turn around?

  • Is the flooring even or provide sure footing for the animals

  • Are the fences and gates in good condition

  • Is the amount of animal feces on the floor at a level that would make it unsafe for animals or humans

  • Is the floor / surface of the pen sloping or flat


  • Does the design and construction of passageways and races allow for calm and effective animal movement?

  • Is the lighting even and conducive to animal movement?

  • Have 'blanking screens' been used to reduce animal vision and assist with calming animals where appropriate

Loading and Unloading ramps and areas

  • Are unloading and loading facilities free from faults or flaws (including slippery floors) that may cause injury to the animals or allow escape.

  • Are unloading and loading ramps non-slip?

  • Is the ramp 'fold out' at the truck load point in good condition

Overall animal welfare & human safety

  • Are all animals inspected twice daily while in the facilities and observed for signs of lameness and injury?<br>

  • Are sick or injured animals killed humanely or segregated and treated appropriately?<br>

  • Are pens, races and gates free from protrusions and sharp edges that could injure animals or impede calm and effective animal movement?

  • Do all pens, races, and gates allow for appropriate rapid exits from potentially hazardous animal behaviors

  • Are overhead walkways, along with gate controls for animal control and human safety installed?

  • Does the facility design, including lighting, allow animals to be inspected?

  • Is clean water available to all animals?

  • Is feed of sufficient quantity and quality available to all animals?

  • Have people or pen riders fallen in the Yard / Pen / Races due to conditions similar to those now


  • Is lighting sufficient at unloading ramps for night time deliveries

  • Are livestock unloaded from the trucks and loaded into the facility in a calm and efficient manner?

  • Are animals inspected during unloading at the facility and sick or injured animals identified?

  • After unloading, are all animals re-inspected for signs of lameness or injury that may have been missed during unloading?

  • Is the number of livestock unloaded appropriate for the capacity of the available pens and raceways?

  • Are 'injured or sick' animals euthanised only after appropriate permissions and inspections have been completed

  • Does the site have appropriate truck driver unloading facilities to mitigate the risk of fall from heights (or is the carriage a JBS livestock carriage with fall protection)

  • Are truck drivers observed working in appropriate PPE?

  • if not what company are they from

Animal Handling

  • Have all the personnel handling animals been trained to follow the company's Standard Operating Procedures (SOP)?

  • Do handlers avoid trying to make animals move if they have nowhere to go?

  • Do handlers avoid pressuring animals unnecessarily if they are already moving in the right direction?

  • Are livestock isolated only when necessary?

  • Do handlers avoid forcing animals to walk over the top of other animals?

  • Are animals handled to avoid harm, distress or injury? This includes ensuring livestock are not lifted by the horns, legs or tail, are not dragged, dropped, thrown, tripped, punched, kicked or hit with sticks, lengths of plastic or metal pipe or thick leather belts?

  • Are injured or sick animals (animals that cannot walk or stand) identified and provided with special handling and management.<br>

  • For cattle are electric prodders used correctly and in a safe manner

  • For sheep are electric prodders used (should not be used for smalls)?

Transport to Abattoir

  • Are only animals that are fit for transport loaded onto trucks?

  • Are animals loaded and unloaded from trucks in a calm and efficient manner?

  • Are the trucks suitable for transporting animals of the class involved and for the distance required?

  • Are livestock crates free from faults or flaws that will allow escape or cause injury?<br>

  • Are animals that are injured during transport either killed immediately if they cannot walk. Or unloaded calmly and efficiently so as not to cause further distress and slaughtered at the first possible opportunity?

  • Do employees enter vehicle 'crates' if live animals are unable to be unloaded

Quality / Security & Traceability


  • Are animals individually counted off trucks into the facility and reconciled against transport dockets?

  • Are transport records maintained?

  • Are records of mortalities during transport and at the feedlot are maintained?

  • Are all animals that arrive at the facility individually identified?<br>

  • Are animals that are missing identification tags issued with replacement tags and consignment records adjusted accordingly?

  • Are individual exporter consignments segregated within the feedlot?

  • Is a reconciliation of loaded animals and received animals conducted and any variances identified and investigated?

Control assessment

Potential risk

  • Movement of non-supply chain animals through the same unloading facilities.

  • Mixing of supply chain animals and non-supply chain animals within the supply chain.

  • Sharing of feedlot pens / areas between approved and non-approved animals (of any kind)


  • Does the facility have security regulating access to the facility.

  • Comment on any other aspect of the facility that might represent a risk to the security of the supply chain.

Resolution of previous high risks

  • Have previously identified high risks been addressed?

  • Summary of recommendations

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