Quality Assurance Plan Templates

Frequently Asked Questions

Why is a Quality Assurance Plan necessary?

The Quality Assurance Plan is an important part of any product creation process. It commonly uses the principles of Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) which aims to provide an essential guidance, direction, and focus for the use of the organisation or company to ensure the quality of the products. The QAP is necessary as it forms part of the monitoring, assessing, and the reporting of quality assurance activities that are associated with the projects within the business. Generally, the QAP aims to provide high-level management of the right information that would give them the appropriate insight to the processes and products that are being used and developed. It aims to ensure that the Quality Assurance team will verify compliance with the applicable standards and procedures. They are also expected to inform the management and key employees of the results of the audit.

What is included in the Quality Assurance Plan?

A Quality Assurance Plan defines the quality objectives of the organisation. Its coverage is dependent on the scope set by the parties.