Title Page

  • Site conducted


  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Please fill out the audit below:

  • * 1. Email address:

  • * 2. Date of audit:

  • * 3. Your name:

  • * 4. Your position:

  • * 5. Facility Name:

  • 6. Menus and Logs compliant and all temperatures are logged: INSRUCTIONS: Hot foods need to be held at >135°F and cold foods need to be held at <41°F. You can use the production sheet from Dining RD or a standard form to record your logs


  • 7. Substitutions are recorded with correct nutritional value and RD has signed off: INSTRUCTIONS: If menu item is not available, a substitution needs to be added and sign off by an RD. The substitution needs to be the same nutritional value as the base item (ie protein can only be substituted with protein):


  • 8. All cooked potentially hazardous foods not served within 4 hours after being cooked or

  • are left over from being served, have been cooled down correctly and are logged accordingly:

  • Food that reaches 135° F must be cooled down to 70°F within 2 hours; 70°F - 40°F from the 3rd to the 5th hour

  • INSTRUCTIONS: and 41°F within the 6th hour

  • * 10. Menus are posted in dining room and in an area assessable to residents:

  • 11. Please upload a copy of each log (food temp, cool down and substitution):

  • No file chosen

  • 3. Dry Storage Area plastic) with correct date received, labels and Use By date (expiration date):


  • Items removed from boxes need to be dated, even if on box and other items are near it are dated. Additionally, items that are opened need to be dated with the new opened date. These include plastic containers

  • * 15. Are there signs of pests or insect infestation?

  • * 16. Dented cans are stored in a separate area and not with the rest of the cans:

  • * 17. Floors are clean and free of debris, including in the isles and under shelving:

  • 4. Janitorial Closet mop bucket:

  • * 22. All chemicals are correctly labeled:

  • * 24. Janitor closet is free of musty odor:

  • 25. Comments: * 23. Janitor’s closet is clean and free of debris; as are the shelves, walls, floor and trash:

  • 5. Coolers/Refrigerators and Freezer below; FREEZER - 0 ̊ F or below. All thermometers are close to their doors and visible without

  • 27. Please upload a copy of each log:

  • * 28. All food is in proper containers and stored 6 inches off of floor. All raw food, including

  • eggs, are in proper containers stored below cooked food and not stored in the same container

  • All raw food must be stored on the bottom to avoid cross contamination with cooked food. THIS IS ESPECIALY


  • * 29. All foods are covered and stored securely, properly identified, dated and labeled, and no

  • expired food are present:

  • Left over food must include a UB (use by) date. Vegetables need to be covered as well. Employee and resident food must be labled and date as well

  • * 30. No mold is present in fridge, on any carts, on fruits or vegetables:

  • * 31. All refrigerators are and freezers are clean on the inside as well as outside. This

  • includes floors, fans, shelves, walls and ceilings:

  • searching

  • No as cooked food:



  • * 32. Fridges and freezers are in good working order (including lights):

  • 33. No ice build up or leaks are present (including on the pipes, fans, walls and ceiling):

  • Often times if ice buildup is present it is due to hot air entering from the outside and creating humidity freezing over. Check if there plastic strps present. Strips are very helpful



  • 6. Dish Room and Dish Washer Area should be logged twice (AM and PM) daily and sanitizer should be logged after each meal:


  • LOW TEMP DISHWASHER - Between 50 and 150 ppm. Take a strp test and dip it into the drain on the side of measurement on the log for the proper day and time

  • HIGH TEMP DISHWAHER - Wash Temp - 160°F and Rinse Temp - 180°F. You need to log both temps

  • Temperatures can be found on the side or bottom of the machine. You should also temp the water with the proper temp strip to confirm that the machine is working properly

  • SANITIZER SINK SOLUTION - Chlorine Sanitizer - between 50 and 100 ppm; Ammonium Sanitizer - 200 strip's container. Record the PPM measurement on the log for the proper day and meal

  • 36. Please upload a copy of each log:

  • No file chosen

  • * 37. Solid/liquid chemicals for the dishwasher and sinks dispense properly:

  • * 38. Pot washing procedures are posted in designated area:

  • * 39. Hands are washed, clean, and properly sanitized before handling clean dishes and

  • flatware to prevent contamination and aprons and gloves are changed before handling clean

  • dishes and flatware to prevent contamination:

  • * 40. Dishes (dishes, cups, pots, pans, etc ) and flatware are free of food particles, debris,

  • grease and carbon. No cracks are present in dishes, all dishes are air dried and clean dishes

  • are not stored next to dirty dishes:

  • Dishes must be left to dry openly and dishes may not be stacked


  • 7. Preparation Areas/Service dish towels placed in solution, ppm is logged and solution in changed every meal:

  • 43. Please upload a copy of each log:

  • No file chosen

  • * 44. Tables, shelves, and bottoms/underneath tables are clean:

  • * 45. All utensils are clean, dry, and stored in proper areas. Utensils are stored in proper

  • drawers and drawers are clean:

  • * 46. All cutting boards are clean, sanitized, and stored in proper areas and without chips and

  • cracks:

  • * 47. Is Nesting Water observed?

  • * 48. Hand sinks have adequate soap, paper towels and properly working trash cans:


  • Sink must have warm water to sanitize correctly

  • 8. Equipment service is not over due (sticker with service date is present):

  • * 55. Is there any equipment requiring repair:

  • If yes, which equipment:

  • 9. Beverage Area ground coffee makes more sense)?

  • 59. Comments and company of coffee and juice machine:

  • 10. Overall Area * 60. Floor is clean and free of grease, and no food debris/particles are on floor:

  • 61. Trash cans are kept covered while not in use: * 63. Staff are following proper sanitation and operational policies

  • NOTES:

  • Staff are wearing jewelry that meets facility guidelines (no dangle earrings, loops over dime size, rings other than 79. Are there items being ordered and produced that should be changed based on budget, staff, )?

  • 80. Does the menu and order guide meet the needs of faciity (and menu for OG)?

  • If no, please details the concers and changes needed:

  • 12. Dietary Manager

  • 81. Is the DM/FSD CDM certfied?

  • 82. Please upload a copy of the DM's CDM certficate:

  • No file chosen

  • 13. Overall Staffing and Operations * 83. Is there a need for training and /or POC?

  • If yes, please detail the necessary actions:

  • If no, please deatail:

  • * 84. Has the necessary trainig/POC from last visit been corrected?

14. Survey Completion

  • 85. Overall comments and conce

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.