Conducted on
Food sales
What were the food sales last week in £'s and LFL %?
Was there any circumstances which affected sales this week? Availability, promotions, events.
What are the current marketing focuses for the company and pub? List actions and people.
Next 3 weeks forecast sales and hours.
What was the food stock result in £'s
Was the food stock green amber or red and what are the issues?
What is the plan to deal with the issues?
Did the issues with last weeks stocks re occur?
Were prep and defrost levels adhered to?
Were food orders completed accurately using the order file?
Where all deliveries accepted correctly and all recycling entered?
Were sufficient grab tests completed?
Where the issues with last weeks stocks discussed throughout the team?
Did anyone show any poor portion control?
Did the team as a whole contribute to managing the stock?
Was all food waste entered onto apos?
What is our food stock tracking for the period?
Food times
What were the food times and % late orders last week?
What were the best and worst 3 peak sessions last week? List kitchen team, day, session and FOH manager.
Drink on us for best session and FOH manager given out?
This week's actions to improve worst sessions.
Cleanliness and weekly cleaning
This weeks Blue Bag points actioned?
Was all weekly cleaning completed and signed off last week?
Was cleaning as you go always adhered to throughout the week?
Were close downs completed to a high standard every day? If not what action has been taken
Was there anyone who showed an excellent contribution to standards?
Were there any members of staff who did not keep the kitchen clean and tidy?
Staff issues
Did any member of the team stand out as being particularly good last week?
Who was top performer in the kitchen last week?
Was there any poor performances in the team last week?
Were one to ones completed with all members of the team?
Were there any staff who showed a negative, lazy, disruptive attitude or poor team work last week?
Does anyone in the kitchen require any specific further training which needs dealt with urgently?
Any other staff issues last week?
Do we need to recruit any more staff?
Have we opened a vacancy on AMRIS and at the job centre?
Are 3 weeks rotas up on the Comms board?
Are this weeks daily planners completed and up?
Was the dmlb completed correctly?
Have all maintainance issues that need dealt with?
Last BOH CQSMA call/ Audit action points complete?
Were the kitchen comms boards completed properly last week by Tue morning?
Were the staff tested on the sop of the week and explained if needed?
AOB and action points.
Action 1
Action 2
Action 3
Action 4
Action 5
Weekly managers meeting brief.
Managers meeting action points. We must cover % late orders.