Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Break Type?

  • Venue being audited:

  • Venue Manager?


  • Nominated suppliers used?

  • Lion brand eggs in use?


  • Deliveries checked and out away in 30 minutes?

  • In house transport, delivery vehicles and trolleys clean?

Temperature Controlled Storage

  • Food in freezers defrosting?

  • Freezer air temperature at -18 or below?

  • Food in chillers above 8 degrees?

  • Food in chillers above 5 degrees?

Stock Control

  • Stock rotated properly?

  • Stock date labelled in accordance with FSMS?

  • Stock found with date labels defaced or obscured?

  • Food beyond used by date or day dot. Unfit/unsaleable food?

  • Food found beyond “best before date”?

  • Is Storage sufficient? Ambient, Chiller and Freezer storage.

  • Is Stock adequately covered to protect against risk of contamination?

Temperature Probe

  • Is the temperature probe working and being used?

  • Sanitizer probe wipes available, moist and in date?

  • Are probes adequately calibrated and clearly identified?

Physical contamination risk

  • Are there any risks of physical contamination? Provide detail.

Microbiological contamination risk

  • Are raw and ready to eat foods adequately separated?

  • Are there any other cross contamination risks identified? Provide detail

  • Is equipment stored hygienically? Mop buckets, rumbler and chipper, chopping boards<br><br>

Chemical contamination risk

  • Are there any risks of chemical contamination?

  • Is cleaning equipment stored correctly? Away from food, colour coded, fit for purpose?

  • Are chemicals stored away from food in appropriate, labelled containers?

Cleanliness- General

  • Adequate cleaning schedule in place and in use?

  • Sanitizer available and gloves in use?

  • Cleaning cloths disposed of at the end of the day?

  • Environmental swabs satisfactory?

Cleanliness - Floors

  • Floors adequately clean?

Cleanliness - Walls

  • Walls adequately clean?

Cleanliness- Ceilings

  • Ceilings adequately clean?

Cleanliness- Equipment

  • Fittings, display equipment, chillers, freezers etc adequately clean?

  • Food equipment clean? Blenders, utensils etc

  • Food equipment coming into contact with food not able to be effectively cleaned?

  • Ice machine clean? Scoop stored in sanitizer?

Cleanliness- Surfaces

  • Prep areas and surfaces adequately clean?

  • Surfaces coming into contact with food not able to be adequately cleaned?

Cleanliness - Storage Areas

  • Storage areas, including dry stores and delivery routes clean and clear from rubbish?

Pest Control & Waste Management

  • Evidence of pests or risk of contamination by pests?

  • Pest proofing adequate?

  • Pest control reports available? Evidence of mitie reports unactioned?

  • Accumulation of waste in food prep area or storage room?

  • Outdoor Refuse area clean? Lids on bins, waste oil adequately managed?

  • Do Doors/Windows have adequate screening?


  • Are foods defrosted in accordance with FSMS?

  • Are fruit and salad items washed and sanitised?

  • High risk foods left out for more than 30 minutes during prep?

  • Chilled prep rooms below 12 degrees and/or being used to store high risk ready to eat foods?

  • Is correct colour coded equipment used during food prep?

  • Is there adequate separation between raw and ready to eat food areas?

Cooking, reheating and cooling

  • High risk foods cooked and reheated to 75 degrees? And probed as required?

  • Burgers or other minced products served rare?

  • Altoshaam oven cooked meats achieving 75 degrees?

  • Are pasteurised eggs used for raw or lightly cooked dishes?

  • Are foods reheated more than once?

  • Are Microwaves used to defrost food?

  • Are BBQ and Kebab controls in place where applicable?

  • Is any food heated using a bain-marie, hot cupboard, soup kettle etc?

  • Is there evidence of the maximum cooling time of food, in an ambient state, of more than 90 minutes?

Food Service and Display

  • Is any cold food held at ambient/above 8 degrees in a chilled display for more than 4 hours?

  • Is any hot food held at ambient/below 63 degrees in a hot hold display for more than 2 hours?

Team Members and Personal Hygiene

  • Are uniform brand standards followed? Including Hats and Aprons?

  • Are all team members following the jewellery policy outlined in the FSMS?

  • Any unhygienic habits observed?

  • Lack of hand washing - likely to cause food contamination

  • Are hand washing procedures correctly followed?

  • Are gloves used correctly during food handling?

Hand wash basins

  • Are hand wash basins unobstructed? Are they used exclusively for washing hands?

  • Are hand wash basins adequately stocked with bactericidal soap and paper towels?

  • Is the temperature of water between 38 and 46 degrees?

Team member facilities

  • Are Team member changing facilities and/or toilets adequately clean?

  • Is any outdoor clothing or footwear stored in food prep areas?

Food Safety Training

  • Is food safety training up to date? Are records complete?

Management Controls and Due Diligence

  • Is a hard copy of the current FSMS available? Flow chart correct? Venue manager declaration signed off?

  • Catering diary not in use and/or not complete, apparent falsification of entries?

  • Catering diary signed off by appropriate member of management team

  • Individual HACCP forms complete? Team aware of controls?

  • "Legal requirements" identified on most recent EHO visit actioned? visit report available?

  • "Recommendations" identified on most recent EHO visit report actioned?

  • Audit points from previous external audit actioned?

  • Food Hygiene Rating displayed?

Allergen Management

  • Is adequate allergen awareness signage displayed for guests to see?

  • Are team able to access Starchef using the tablets?

  • Are allergenic ingredients adequately stored? (Nuts and Peanuts)

  • Is food produced according to approved instructions on Starchef, reducing possible allergen risk?

Structure - Walls

  • Are walls without defects?

Structure - Floors

  • Are floors without defects?

Structure - Ceilings

  • Are ceilings without defects?

Structure - Ventilation

  • Is ventilation and extraction adequate?

  • Are all grease filters in canopy when equipment below is in use?

Structure - Fittings

  • Are food prep and storage areas without defects? (Missing diffusers, lighting etc)

Structure - Equipment

  • Is all equipment working, or been reported and recorded on diary sheet?

  • Is there adequate separate food and equipment washing sinks; are sinks supplied with hot and cold water?

  • Are fryers and grills protected by Ansul system?

  • Any other dangerous conditions identified? (Health and Safety)

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.