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Audit Findings

1.0 - Workplace Health and Safety Policy

  • 1.1 - Authorised by top management

  • 1.2 - Clearly states overall WHS objectives

  • 1.3 - Includes a commitment to fulfil legal requirements

  • 1.4 - Includes a commitment to consultation and participation of workers

  • 1.5 - Documented, implemented, maintained and communicated to all workers

  • 1.6 - Periodically reviewed to ensure it remains relevant and appropriate to the organisation

2.0 - Top Management Leadership and Commitment

  • 2.1 - Top management demonstrates responsibility and accountability for the prevention of work related injury and ill health

  • 2.2 - Top management understands the hazards and risks of the organisation's operations

  • 2.3 - Top management identifies, provides and uses resources to eliminate and minimise risk

  • 2.5 - Top management set WHS objectives and targets that are consistent with WHS policy

  • 2.6 - Top Management reviews and evaluates WHS performance at planned intervals (e.g. incidents, corrective actions, monitoring activities, results, consultation, risks)

3.0 - Consultation

  • 3.1 - The organisation has processes for consultation with workers

  • 3.2 - Workers are involved in the development, implementation and review of policies and procedures for hazard identification, hazard/risk assessment and control of hazards/risks

  • 3.3 - Workers are consulted with when determining applicable controls

  • 3.4 - Workers are consulted when changes affect workplace WHS

4.0 - Risk Management

  • 4.1 - A documented risk management process is established, implemented and maintained

  • 4.2 - Processes are in place for hazard identification that is ongoing and proactive

  • 4.3 - Processes in place so risks are assessed, controlled, while taking into account the effectiveness of existing controls

  • 4.4 - Hazards/risks are controlled through the hierarchy of controls

  • 4.5 - Control priorities are assigned and based on established risk levels

  • 4.6 - Hazard and incidents are recorded on a register

5.0 - Competence

  • 5.1 - In consultation with workers, training needs have been identified relating to performing work activities competently and safely

  • 5.2 - The organisation ensures that workers are competent on the basis of appropriate education, training or experience - including an induction

  • 5.3 - Training is delivered by people with appropriate knowledge, skills and experience in WHS and training

  • 5.4 - The organisation retains appropriate documented information as evidence

6.0 - Contractor Engagement

  • 6.1 - The organisation shall identify hazards and assess and control the WHS risks arising from the contractors activities and operations

  • 6.2 - The organisation shall identify hazards and assess and control the WHS risks arising from the organisation’s activities and operations that impact the contractors’ workers

  • 6.3 - The organisation shall identify hazards and assess and control the WHS risks arising from the contractors’ activities and operations that impact other interested parties in the workplace

  • 6.4 - The organisation shall ensure that the requirements of its WHS management system are met by contractors and their workers

7.0 Emergency Preparedness and Response

  • 7.1 - All potential emergency situations are identified and emergency procedures documented for preventing and mitigating associated illness and injury (including provision of first aid)

  • 7.2 - Emergency preparedness and response procedures are reviewed and revised where necessary, especially after the occurrence of incidents or emergency situations

  • 7.3 - Emergency preparedness and response training provided

  • 7.4 - Workers are provided with relevant information on their duties and responsibilities in an emergency

  • 7.5 - Emergency preparedness and response procedures are periodically tested

8.0 - Monitoring and Performance Evaluation

  • 8.1 - There are processes for WHS monitoring, measurement, analysis and performance evaluation – to determine effectiveness

  • 8.2 - Results from monitoring and measurement are analysed, evaluated and communicated

  • 8.3 - WHS inspection program established with inspections scheduled, using a checklist, conducted, documented with records retained on file

  • 8.4 - Corrective actions arising from inspections are documented and monitored to close out

9.0 - Audit

  • 9.1 - Audit program and procedures established, implemented and maintained for periodic WHSMS audits to be undertaken by a competent person

  • 9.2 - Audit program and procedures facilitate determination of whether the WHSMS is effective in meeting the organisation’s policy and WHS objectives and targets

  • 9.3 - The organisation takes action to address nonconformities and continually improve its WHS performance

10.0 Hazards, Incidents and Corrective Actions

  • 10.1 - Processes and procedures in place for reporting, investigating and taking action from hazards and incidents

  • 10.2 - Reporting procedures include statutory reporting requirements

  • 10.3 - When an incident occurs, the organisation reacts in a timely manner to the incident and, as applicable:<br>i. take action to minimise harm;<br>ii. investigate and respond <br>iii. initiate and complete corrective actions

  • 10.4 - Procedures and processes are established, implemented and maintained for initiating and completing appropriate corrective and preventive action

  • 10.5 - The organisation reviews the effectiveness of any action taken, including corrective action

11.0 Injury Management and Workers' Compensation

  • 11.1 - Organisation has workers’ compensation insurance policy and is satisfied with coverage for all workers

  • 11.2 - Written injury management system with documented injury management steps and coordinator named

  • 11.3 - Return to work program established for injured workers

Workplace Specific Hazards

  • Organisation shall establish, implement and maintain documented procedures directly applicable to the WHS issues related to its activities, products or services that can cause injury and illness

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  • Inspector Conducting Inspection

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