Title Page
Client / Site
Contractor Company
Sales order number or job description
Conducted on
Prepared by
Have the Contractors parked away from the main entry to store/site , allowing prime car parks for store customers?
Have the Contractors signed into the Visitors sign in book independently, with the following documented by each contractor? <br>Date <br>Name <br>Contact Phone No <br>Company Name <br>Induction card expiry date <br>Description of works <br>Work method statement <br>Contractor Signature <br>Sign in & Sign out times
Have the Contractors received their Safety induction by the store team, i.e. toilets, emergency exits and evacuation assembly point/s, first aid kit locations, first aid attendants names, contact details given or displayed on the first aid kits etc..?
Have the Contractors given the Store manager or Duty Manager a briefing on the works they are carrying out, i.e. Scope of works, discussing the plan and the timelines on completing the job and how many contractors undertaking the work etc..?
Is the Contractors Health & Safety Management Plan available in hard copy format and specific to this project?
Was the written work method statement prepared, presented and run through with store/site?
Are all contractors dressed in a clean, tidy and professional manner, ensuring that the whole crew is wearing the appropriate Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and wearing the 3fold branded high visibility tops.
Is there sufficient space for the contractors to work safely in?
Are all walkways unobstructed and clear of trip hazards?
Is all rubbish, fittings, boxes placed in nominated staging area and area regularly cleaned?
Is the Contractor/s collecting and disposing of all refuse appropriately ?- no customer shopping trolleys to be used!!!
Are all walkways clear of protruding objects?
Is the access to fire doors and fire fighting equipment kept clear at all times?
Is appropriate barricading and hoarding being erected and warning signs placed around work areas to restrict access?
With the use of any power boards and double adaptors or electrical leads crossing aisles and walkways are these taped to the floor or covered over to ensure there is no trip hazard/s?
Are all power leads disconnected from power source and out of children's reach when contractor leaves the work area ?
Are Contractors using their own plant, equipment and tools?(i.e. ladders, tools, trolleys, bollards and orange para mesh) They must not be using the sites equipment unless authorised by the store/client project manager.
Is all portable and electrical equipment or tools: Tested, Tagged and current, Used in conjunction with a residual current device (RCD) or safety switch
Is equipment without defects, for example no frayed leads or exposed wires and no broken plugs, broken or faulty legs or struts for ladders?
Is all hired equipment checked before use by installer / contractor? Look for their documentation.
Are all the Contractors using forklift/s have current licence/s?
Are the Contractors' tools and equipment appropriate for the task (i.e. ladders forklifts, pallet jacks, lifting equipment etc...?
Are registration and maintenance records available for all plant and equipment?
The grinding or cutting of any materials (or similar works) should be conducted out the back and not on - the selling floor area. Does the contractor have their hot works permit to show the store for these works?
Are there controls put in place to minimise risk from noise (rough guide you should be able to talk with someone a metre away without shouting). E.g.. Loud work scheduled out of hours, work area segregated. PPE to be worn and correct equipment fit for purpose to be used?
Are controls put in place to minimise exposure to all persons from any working creating dust (as above)?
Are compliant Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS's) available for all chemicals onsite? MSDS must include Australian emergency contact details and be dated from within the last 5 years.
Are all containers in the tool box/fixers kit clearly labelled with contents, hazard warnings and precautions to be taken, and stored in an area not accessible to the public?
Is any work which may result in toxic fumes (e.g.. Paint, glues, floor fixing preparations etc…) being identified prior to the activity e.g. ventilation, isolating the area by the contractor?
Is training provided in the safe use of the chemicals used and what to do in an emergency (spillage, poisoning, splashing etc…)
Is all overhead work being conducted outside of trading hours - or is the area below is sectioned off with bunting/hoarding from customers and store staff and other contractors to ensure the area us safe for work?
Do those working over 2 metres have; - stable work platforms (i.e. scaffolding, scissor lifts) - have adequate guard rails and barricading to prevent falls to people and materials
Is there fall arrest equipment adhering to Australian Safety standards being utilised when provision of working platforms isn't practicable?
Are ladders in good condition and used appropriately for the task? i.e. Are straight or extension ladders fixed at top? Is there a spotter being used to control risks?
Are the blank "Hot work" permits available and being filled out and given back to Store /Duty Manager prior to commencement of 'hot work' performed e.g. welding, cutting and grinding etc…?
Is there adequate fire protection controls in place whilst 'hot works' are being conducted e.g. fire extinguisher or fire hose in close proximity?
Are the Sprinkler impairment notices being completed and supplied to the Store or Duty Manager 24 hours prior to impairment of water?
Where applicable are 'Confined space entry and Access permits' being filled out by the Contractor and provided to the Store or Duty Manager prior to commencement of works?
Where applicable are 'Hazardous work permits' being filled out by the Contractor and provided to the Store or Duty Manager prior to commencement of works?
Are the contractors exhibiting safe manual handling practices (i.e. lifting and twisting)
Are Store and Site staff being informed by the contractor/s of hazards arising from onsite installation and building works and their safety obligations
Are the contractors wearing PPE appropriate to the task (e.g. fully enclosed footwear, safety goggles, dust mask , ear and eye protection, gloves etc….?
Are the contractors leaving the loading dock clean, free of hazards, falling objects or obstructions?
Does the workplace has adequate lighting?
Does the workplace has adequate ventilation, cooling and or heating depending on season ?(i.e. does the temperature reach at least 16 degrees within 1 hour of starting work?)
Are the site/tool box meetings held on a daily basis for refurbs and new store projects? Or for smaller jobs the briefing is at the start of the works?
Are there sufficient amenities being provided by the store/site to Contractor/s i.e. toilets and staff room facilities? Are the Contractors leaving the toilets and staff room/s clean at all times?
Is the Contractor actioning completion certificates and Daily diary sheets in a timely manner and sending them back to 3fold? Are the safety issues being identified and documented on their return communications?
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