Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Sort / Seiri
Have all station/cell team members been trained in 5S ?
Are too F. Goods, No need items, Supplies, Parts, Materials or Personal items in the work area ?
Are the free of Clutter, Debris? Are Benches, Desks, Cabinets all in use & free of Clutter & Debris ?
Is there any excess or outdated items on Walls/Bulletin boards ETC?
Set / Seiton
Is Safety equipment located for ease of access ? ( FIRE EXT, EYE WASH, PPE STATIONS. )
Is there a specific visual set location for all items ? ( TOOLS, JIGS, PARTS, MATERIALS, DOCUMENTS, CLEANING EQUIPMENT )
Are all items placed in a proper location ?
Are rejected Parts/Materials areas clearly marked & Is it clearly visible which Parts/Materials are on "HOLD" ?
Shine / Seiso
Is the work environment well cleaned as per the cleaning schedule ? ( LIGHTS, WALLS, WINDOWS, DOORS. )
Are Materials, Tools Machines & Work stations thoroughly cleaned as per the Standard Cleaning Schedule ?
Are all Electrical Cables &Pneumatic Hoses clean, In good condition & routed safely to avoid trips ?
Are Cleaning Equipment/Tools which are fit for purpose available in set locations at point of use ?
Standardise / Seiketsu
Are there any pictures posted for all areas showing the current 5S standards ?
Are all the Walkways, Floor Areas, Cabinets and Shadow Boards clearly & consistently marked & used correctly ?
Does the Work team conduct daily/end of shift clean down & return work areas back to standard ?
Do all Storage Labels/Markings match the Items/Parts in that location ?
Sustain / Shitsuke
Have the Employees taken responsibility for 5S levels in the area ?
Is 5S Improvement activities still ongoing ? ( Proof of activity within last month )
Is there an Audit System & Are Audits done on time correctly and supported by leadership ?
Is An effective 5S training program in place both new & existing employees ?