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Audit area (take picture)
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Enter exception rating related to non-required papers, binders, files, reports, reference manuals, posters, etc. that is present at the workstation or work area.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating related to non-required equipment and furniture that is present in the work area. This refers to broken, idle, or obsolete furniture, equipment, assessoires, etc.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating related to electronic files, folders and databases, etc. that are not methodically sorted and arranged.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating related to safety hazards present in the work area. Walkways should be clear of obstructions as cables, boxes, equipment, stack of paper, etc.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Is there an active red tag system in place forthe area? (i.e. have any items moved out of the red tag area since the last audit?) <br>Compliant = Continuous activity, items are tagged and removed upon identification; <br>Moderate = Moderate activity; <br>None = No activity.<br><br>
First Aid supplies in office or common area are stored in labeled location and are kept in clean and in usable condition.<br>Compliant = Continuous activity, items are tagged and removed upon identification; <br>Moderate = Moderate activity; <br>None = No activity.<br><br>
Set in Order Activity Descriptions
Enter exception rating related to locations for files, reference materials, assessoires (i.e. tape, stapler), etc. that are not in a designated area.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating raleted to electronic files and directories not having a naming convention. individuals should be able to locate electronic files and email messages within 30 seconds.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating related to the organization and labeling of items inside cabinets, drawers, etc.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating raleted to the organization and location of equipment (computers, printers, phone) in relation to operator.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Work stations are ergonomically friendly. Manuals and supplies are stored appropriate heights to reduce stretching and bending.
Shine Activity Description
Enter exception rating related to filing. No backlog is present. Email folders are streamlined and contain only historical information that is required.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating related to folders and directories being "cleaned out". There should be no unneeded version of files, unidentified files, junk mail, etc.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Enter exception rating related to working conditions of equipment and accessoiries. Are they clean and in working order? When possible, stored in a manner to keep them clean anf free from risk of damage.
- no exceptions
- 1 exception
- 2 exceptions
- 3 to 4 exceptions
- 5 or more exceptions
Are the floors, walls, work surfaces, machines, workbenches, dies, and other equipment clean and presentable.
Does the work environment satisfy the requirements of the work being performed. Lights are adequate for the area and are working.
Standardize Activity Descriptions
All standard work and related documents are clearly labeled and available, either physical posted or electronically.
Have checklist and/or standards been developed for keeping files and directories and folders organized.
Are all team members participating in the 5S audit.<br>Compliance = everyone rotates through participation of the audit;<br>Moderate = a select group of individual perform the audits;<br>None = only one or two people do all the audits
Are wastes (boxes, packaging, trash) consistently and often cleaned and removed from the workplace.
Have exceptions from previous audits been addressed? Have all Action Items been documented, completed or the completion date updated?<br>Compliance = all have been documented, addressed and updated;<br>Moderate = all but one have been addressed and updated;<br>None = more than one item has not been addressed and updated.
Are visual systems currently in place?
Has at least one improvement idea been identified, implemented, and documented since the last audit in this area?
Did the team take the initiative to make improvements to the workplace that were not identified during the last 5S audit, Waste Reduction Effort or Kaizen.
Are the results of the previous audit for this area posted and clearly visible to the entire team?<br>Compliane = audit posted and 'Before & After' pictures posted;<br>Moderate = audit but no 'Before & After' pictures;<br>None = neither.
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