Audit Title
Conducted on
Prepared By
- Yes
- No
- N/A
Does the area have trash, rubbish, etc. that should be disposed of? The
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
All of the unnecessary items in a work area are removed to proper storage. The only items present are those needed for production or current project.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improve
There is evidence that items identified during sort as "red tag items" have been clearly marked, stored in segregated location, and there is a log for future review and disposition.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
There is evidence that logged "red tagged" items are being dispositioned appropriately (back to service, scrapped, etc.)
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Only current/necessary documents are present in the work area.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Shelves and storage areas are organized, clearly divided, and labeled. There are no uncertainties about where items are stored.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
WIP, tools, material and finished products are not left on the ground. Where appropriate, storage areas are clearly marked and labeled accordingly.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Boxes, containers, and products are stored and labeled in an orderly, consistent manner that minimizes unnecessary movements such as walking, bending, or reaching.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
There is no leaning storage. All items such as brooms and mops have a proper storage spot.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
All access paths around machines and equipment are free of obstructions and unnecessary clutter (pallets, parts, rubbish, etc).
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Aisles, work areas, benches, equipment are clearly and consistently marked.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
White boards, activity charts, etc. are up to date and regularly checked.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Where appropriate, all documents present are updated, appropriately located, and well organized.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Visual organization methods are being used where appropriate (shadow boarding, foam cut outs, floor markings, etc.) and tools are placed in a manner that minimizes unnecessary movements such as walking, bending, or reaching.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Work surfaces are organized and free of clutter.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
The floor is clean (no oil, dirt, chips, etc.). There is evidence of cleaning being performed in a constant manner.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
All equipment in the area are clean, free of dirt, grime, etc. There is evidence of the cleaning being performed in a constant manner.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
All appropriate equipment (brooms, machining centers, etc.) are painted or kept "new looking" to improve the appearance of the overall area.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
All appropriate visual aids are cleanly maintained and free of dust, dirt, or any damage.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Cleaning checklists and schedules are present and responsibilities are clearly defined.
- 0 - There is no evidence of activity being done.
- 1 - There is very minimal evidence that any sort of 5S activity has occurred.
- 2 - Activity is taking place in SOME areas, yet there is no consistency or sustainable effort.
- 3 - There is evidence of heightened activity applied and evident in MOST areas.
- 4 - Activity is evident and throughly applied to ALL areas.
- 5 - Continuously looking for ways to make even more improvements.
Image of concern/improvement
Are Monthly Audits of Sort/Set in Order/Shine being done in respective area?
Image of concern/improvement
Are all documents related to 5S are accessible and maintained? (Project List, Photos, Audit Sheets, Cleaning Schedules, etc.)
Image of concern/improvement
Is there evidence that management provides adequate time to perform 5S activities?
Image of concern/improvement
Are work instructions and procedures available in the workplace reviewed/kept up to date?
Image of concern/improvement
Are new hires trained in 5S and do existing employees receive ongoing training?
Image of concern/improvement