
  • Audit Title

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared By

  • Personnel


  • Does the area have trash, rubbish, etc. that should be disposed of? The

  • Comment

  • Image of concern/improvement

  • All of the unnecessary items in a work area are removed to proper storage. The only items present are those needed for production or current project.

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  • Image of concern/improve

  • There is evidence that items identified during sort as "red tag items" have been clearly marked, stored in segregated location, and there is a log for future review and disposition.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • There is evidence that logged "red tagged" items are being dispositioned appropriately (back to service, scrapped, etc.)

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Only current/necessary documents are present in the work area.

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  • Image of concern/improvement


  • Shelves and storage areas are organized, clearly divided, and labeled. There are no uncertainties about where items are stored.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • WIP, tools, material and finished products are not left on the ground. Where appropriate, storage areas are clearly marked and labeled accordingly.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Boxes, containers, and products are stored and labeled in an orderly, consistent manner that minimizes unnecessary movements such as walking, bending, or reaching.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • There is no leaning storage. All items such as brooms and mops have a proper storage spot.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • All access paths around machines and equipment are free of obstructions and unnecessary clutter (pallets, parts, rubbish, etc).

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Aisles, work areas, benches, equipment are clearly and consistently marked.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • White boards, activity charts, etc. are up to date and regularly checked.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Where appropriate, all documents present are updated, appropriately located, and well organized.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Visual organization methods are being used where appropriate (shadow boarding, foam cut outs, floor markings, etc.) and tools are placed in a manner that minimizes unnecessary movements such as walking, bending, or reaching.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Work surfaces are organized and free of clutter.

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  • Image of concern/improvement


  • The floor is clean (no oil, dirt, chips, etc.). There is evidence of cleaning being performed in a constant manner.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • All equipment in the area are clean, free of dirt, grime, etc. There is evidence of the cleaning being performed in a constant manner.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • All appropriate equipment (brooms, machining centers, etc.) are painted or kept "new looking" to improve the appearance of the overall area.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • All appropriate visual aids are cleanly maintained and free of dust, dirt, or any damage.

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  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Cleaning checklists and schedules are present and responsibilities are clearly defined.

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  • Image of concern/improvement


  • Are Monthly Audits of Sort/Set in Order/Shine being done in respective area?

  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Are all documents related to 5S are accessible and maintained? (Project List, Photos, Audit Sheets, Cleaning Schedules, etc.)

  • Image of concern/improvement


  • Is there evidence that management provides adequate time to perform 5S activities?

  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Are work instructions and procedures available in the workplace reviewed/kept up to date?

  • Image of concern/improvement

  • Are new hires trained in 5S and do existing employees receive ongoing training?

  • Image of concern/improvement

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.