Driver Assessment Form
MVA / Claim Number
Today's date
Assessor name
Driver Name
Driver documents
Driver has license and medical card?
Does driver have any restrictions and if so does he meet requirements?
Driver Pre-Trip Inspection
Driver uses 3- pt stance when entering the cab?
Driver completes a thorough inspection of brakes, tires, lights, engine compartment, etc.?
Driver properly fills out DVIR?
General driving habits
Consistently alert and attentive?
Adjusts driving to meet changing conditions?
Performs routine functions while keeping eyes on the road?
Adjusts speed properly to road, weather and traffic conditions?
Slows down in advance for curves, intersections, etc.?
Yields right of way for safety?
Signals for lane changes and turns?
Maintains good lane control?
Understands how to calculate proper following distance?
Keeps a safe following distance at all times?
Uses defensive driving techniques?
Constantly checks mirrors and looks ahead for hazards?
Gets out and looks before backing?
Looks back as well as checks mirrors?
Signals before backing?
Shows sufficient skills during back?
Post trip inspection
Driver uses 3- pt stance when exiting the cab?
Driver completes thorough post trip inspection?
Driver completes DVIR?
Driver completes TIR if needed?
Driver Assessor Results
Does driver have sufficient skills to safely operate the vehicle? (instructor)
I have reviewed the above information with the driver and have coached him in any areas he is deficient in.
Instructor comments
Driver Field
I have reviewed the above information and understand any areas where improvement is needed.
Driver comments