AAA Cooper Transportation Monthly Terminal Inspection
Inspection Date
Inspector name and Signature
Is the work area clean and orderly
Floors and Isles
Are floors dry, free of debris and tripping hazards?
Are stairs in good condition, with handrails, and adequately lighted?
Are ladders in good physical condition?
Are machines and equipment in safe operating condition( forklifts, pallet jacks, hand trucks, office equipment, vending machines, etc.)
Are straps managed properly?
Hand tools
Are the right tools for the job being used?
Are tools and cords in good condition
Are required electric grounds provided?
Are lights working in all areas?
Is the wiring for dock light in good condition?
Fire Extinguishers
Are the fire extinguishers easily accessible ( not blocked by trash cans, freight, bill boxes, etc.)
Have fire extinguishers been inspected this month?
First Aid
Are the first aid kits properly stocked according to the check sheet?
Entrances and Exits
Are they kept dry or provided with nonskid mats?
Are emergency exits unlocked, marked, kept clear and easily accessible?
Are lighted exit signs working?
Are all employees trained on proper lifting techniques and material handling?
Are the following signs posted at the terminal?
Safety policy
Buckle up at exit?
Speed limit?
Right to search?
Are only properly trained drivers operating forklifts?
Are forklifts being inspected daily?
Are propane tanks stored in cages?
Dock plates
Are all dock plates and doors operating properly?
Is there a sufficient supply of dock plate pullers?
Entering and exiting vehicles
Do dockworkers/ drivers use the 3- point hand hold and foot hold while getting on and off tractors, trailers, hostlers and forklifts?
Trucks and Trailers
Are the trucks and trailers clean on interior and exterior?
Are the trucks free of dents, rust, etc.?
Is the paint in good shape?
Are tires, lights, etc in good condition?
Hazardous Material Bay
Are hazardous materials stored in the hazardous material bay?
Are damaged hazardous materials in recovery drums?
Personal Protective Equipment
Are steel toed shoes worn by all freight handlers?
Are gloves and face shield worn while changing propane tanks?
Are seat belts worn while operating equipment?
Emergency Action Plan
Is the Emergency Action Plan current, available and known by all?
Right To Know -Haz Comm
Is the ' Right to Know' ( Hazcomm) basic info posted for all to see?
Eye wash (if applicable)
Is you have an eye wash station is it flushed and inspected weekly ( check weekly checksheet)