Audit Title
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1. Administrative Procedures
15.1. Lack of/or inadequate Site Specific Safety Plan?
15.2. Failure to obtain permits for Hot Work, Confined Space, Dig Permits, etc?
15.3. Lack of/or inadequate site specific orientations for workers, subcontractors and visitors?
15.4. Lack of/or inadequate supervision? Superintendent/Foreman?
15.5. Lack of/or inadequate training, licenses, skills, experience?
15.6. Lack of/or inadequate site specific plans for high risk work, critical lift, confined space, excavations, fall protection?
15.7. Lack of/or inadequate system to review site specific safety plans, A&P and subcontractors?
15.8. Lack of/or inadequate incident/accident notification procedures?
15.9. Lack of/or inadequate weekly safety audits and storm water audits?
15.10. Safety postings in place?
15.11. Weekly safety meetings for A&P and all subcontractors?
15.12. Public safety - fencing, danger signs, flaggers, cones, barricades?
2. Emergency Response/Crisis Management
2.1. Lack of/or inadequate crisis management plan for site? Crisis management kit on site?
2.2. Emergency procedures and phone numbers not displayed on site?
2.3. Lack of/or inadequate training and drills conducted for crisis management plan?
2.4. Lack of/or inadequate first aid kit on site? Fully stocked?
2.5. Insufficient access to formally trained first aid personnel? A&P and subcontractor foremen?
2.6. Lack of/or inadequate communication equipment?
3. Occupational Health Hazards
3.1. Site specific demolition in place?
3.2. Lack of/or inadequate dust suppression system?
3.3. Asbestos issues and abatement?
3.4. Lead issues and abatement?
4. Pre-Task Planning
4.1. Pre-task planning forms/cards filled out daily and with each new task?
4.2. Pre-task planning forms/cards incomplete? Missing information?
4.3. Not following JHA procedures?
4.4. Lack of/or inadequate training on pre-task planning for employees and subcontractors?
5. Working at Heights
5.1. Fall risks of 6ft or more? (including voids, pits, and trenches)
5.2. Lack of edge protection? Guardrails, toe boards?
5.3. Unsafe or incomplete edge protection? Guardrails, toe boards?
5.4. Is there adequate overhead falling object protection?
6. Power and Hand Tools
6.1. Unsafe or damaged equipment? (including missing or damaged guards)
6.2. Incorrect equipment or tools for the job? (e.g. grinding discs for cutting)
6.3. Hand and power tools in good condition?
6.4. Trained and/or certified operators?
6.5. Powder actuated tools - signage, training, tool left unsupervised, unspent rounds, rounds disposed of properly?
6.6. Lack of LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?
6.7. Hand and power tools inspected prior to use and tagged out if defective or unsafe?
7. Scaffolds
7.1. Competent person on site for scaffold erection?
7.2. Unsafe or incomplete scaffold?
7.3. Daily inspections completed and documented?
7.4. All open sides and ends of scaffold over 6ft have standard guardrails and toe boards?
7.5. Proper access ladders or stairs to scaffold?
7.6. Safe Work Load (SWL) exceeded? (tools, stored materials, number of persons)
7.7. Scaffold set on base plates and secured to mud sills?
7.8. Are wheels on rolling scaffold locked when in use?
7.9. Are all scaffolding components free from damage?
8. Cranes and Lifting Equipment
8.1. Unsafe or damaged equipment?
8.2. Lack of maintenance, testing and inspection?
8.3. Loads lifted over persons, close proximity to obstacles incl. overhead power lines?
8.4. Lack of safety stickers or operator manual?
8.5. Annual, monthly and daily inspections available?
8.6. Unsafe or damaged lifting equipment, including ropes, slings, chains, hooks?
8.7. Certified and trained operator, riggers and signal persons?
8.8. Lack of LOTO procedures for cleaning, servicing and maintenance?
8.9. Unlicensed operators?
8.10. Safe working load of equipment exceeded?
8.11. Is the swing radius barricade in place on cranes?
8.12. Are tag lines used to control loads?
8.13. Is there a fire extinguisher in all cabs?
9. Fall Protection Equipment
9.1. Unsafe or damaged harness or equipment?
9.2. Incompatible hooks/equipment?
9.3. Unlabeled or does not meet OSHA standards?
9.4. Unsafe or uncertified anchor points?
9.5. Lack of inspection protocol for equipment?
9.6. Lack of or inadequate formal training for operators?
9.7. Equipment worn properly?
10. Ladders and Stairs
10.1. Unsafe or damaged ladders?
10.2. Unsafe positioning of ladders? 3ft above landing?
10.3. Ladder not properly secured?
10.4. Ladder unsuitable for job? Aluminum ladders? Folding ladder used as an extension ladder?
10.5. Ladder safety warning stickers, duty rating legible?
10.6. Stairs - handrails, stair rails, lighting, pans filled?
11. Hazardous Chemical (Including Fuel and Oil)
11.1. Unsafe storage location? (e.g. flammables near ignition sources, spills could enter stormwater drains, etc)
11.2. Incompatible chemicals stored near each other? Oxygen/acetylene not separated?
11.3. Inadequate spill containment equipment?
11.4. Safety Data Sheets not accessible on site?
11.5. Lack of emergency procedures for injury/spills/fire etc?
11.6. Excessive quantities stored on site or in vehicles?
11.7. Insufficient ventilation?
11.8. Insufficient, or incorrect, PPE?
11.9. Unsuitable storage containers? Unlabeled containers?
12. Traffic Management
12.1. Lack of, or inadequate, Traffic Management Plan (TMP) in place?
12.2. Lack of training in TMP for all persons on site? <br>(contractors and visitors)
12.3. Inadequate controls for TMP? (physical barriers, bollards, speed limits, flashing lights, spotters, etc)
13. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
13.1. Lack of, or inadequate PPE (including sun protection)
13.2. Lack of system to issue, inspect, replace and monitor PPE?
13.3. Lack of training in safe use, clean-up and inspection of PPE?
13.4. Respirator Program - medical exam, fit test, written program, voluntary use documentation?
14. Work Environment
14.1. Lack of/or inadequate amenities? (toilets, wash areas, lunch rooms, etc)
14.2. Insufficient lighting? Temp light maintenance?
14.3. Inadequate housekeeping?
14.4. Drinking water provided? Cups/trash receptacle?
14.5. Impalement hazards protected? Rebar capped?
14.6. Laser training, signs posted?
14.7. Floor holes covered or protected?
15. Electrical Hazards
15.1. Unsafe electrical cords/leads?
15.2. Lack of GFCI protection?
15.3. Exposure to underground utilities? Locate ticket in place?
15.4. Exposure to overhead electrical lines?
15.5. Overloading outlets?
15.6. Cords/Leads placed on ground or on metal structures? Cords protected from damage?
15.7. Electrical equipment or cords/leads near water?
15.8. Electrical equipment near flammables?
15.9. Electrical cords/leads creating tripping hazards?
15.10. Lack of Lock-out/tag-out (LOTO) procedures for electrical equipment?
15.11. Are there proper warning signs on electrical rooms? Electrical rooms locked?
16. Fire Protection
16.1. Fire extinguishers properly located?
16.2. Monthly and annual inspections up to date?
16.3. Fire watch and fire extinguishers for all Hot Work?
17. Excavations and Trenching
17.1. Competent person on site?
17.2. Dig permit in place for each dig location (Daily)?
17.3. Proper sloping, shoring, benching?
17.4. Spoil and equipment back 2ft or more from edge?
17.5. Ladder in place over 4ft deep and every 25ft and secured?
17.6. Are open trenches and excavations adequately barricaded?
18. Housekeeping
18.1. Are aisles, corridors and building access areas free of debris and materials?
18.2. Are there adequate trash containers and dumpsters for trash and recyclables?
19. Aerial Boom and Scissor Lifts
19.1. Aerial boom lift and scissor lift operators trained and have a card?
19.2. Are aerial boom lift operators and workers wearing proper fall protection equipment?
19.3. Are scissor lift guardrails and safety chain in use?
20. Forklifts, Trucks and Heavy Equipment
20.1. Do forklift operators have proof of training?
20.2. Does equipment have seat belts installed? Are they serviceable?
20.3. Are equipment operators wearing seat belts?
20.4. Does equipment have an operable back up alarm and front horn?
20.5. Are equipment operators making eye contact with workers on the ground?
20.6. Fire extinguisher mounted and readily accessible on equipment? Inspected regularly?
20.7. Are operator manuals in place and accessible on equipment?
21. Stormwater Management
21.1. Has the SWMPPP Plan for this site been developed?
21.2. Has the Stormwater Permit been applied for and received?
21.3. Are Stormwater Audits completed weekly and after every weather event?
21.4. Is the project Stormwater map posted? Changes updated on map?
21.5. Are BMP deficiencies corrected within 24 hours?
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