
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Venue / Unit

  • Conducted on

  • UMQR

  • Location



  • Reference: ACG SI(LOG) 1-6-15

1. Data Validation

  • a. Confirm that MCS are conducting daily CAMM2 data validation including:

  • 2. ensuring CAMM2 incorporation for MOD/STI has occurred;

  • 3. ensure that scheduled maintenance is initiated through the ‘Select Initiate Maintenance’ window, thereby ensuring Asset policy has been updated;

  • 4. ensure that where asset policy differs from default policy relevant and auditable authorisation exists for the discrepancy;

  • 5. ratifying MMI R&Is on CAMM2 against available documentation.

2. Duplicate Assets

  • a. How many MCS staff members have access to NetMAARs and the Visibility Server?

  • b. Is NetMAARs and the Visibility Server checked before conducting asset receptions?

  • c. Direct MCS to generate a NetMAARs Duplicate Asset Report.

  • How many records are returned?

  • If nil record generated proceed to Serial 2e.

  • d. If records are returned, has this been previously identified and if ‘yes’ how have the duplicate assets been corrected?

  • f. What actions are taken to prevent/ remove Duplicate Serial numbers?

  • e. Review the duplicate asset investigation file. Confirm historical corrective action activity and record keeping.

3. Certification Audit Report

  • a. How often is the Certification Audit report generated?

  • b. When was the report last generated?

  • Select date

  • c. Direct MCS to generate a Certification Audit report for the last six months.

  • How many records are returned?

  • d. If records are returned, has this been previously identified and if ‘yes’ has this been reported to EMMS?

4. Maintenance Policy

  • a. How often does MCS generate a Compare Policy to Default Policy report to ensure standard policy is applied to all applicable assets?

  • b. Direct MCS to generate a Compare Asset Policy to Default Policy Report for a:

  • minimum of two aircraft .

  • Aircraft Details
  • Aircraft Details:

  • and three assets.

  • Asset Details
  • Asset Details:

  • c. Do all aircraft/assets selected have policy correctly applied?

  • Go to Serial 2d.

  • List anomalies (attach to report upon completion).

  • d. How does the AMO CAMM2 manage policy application?

  • e. How does the AMO manage CAMM2 non-standard maintenance policy?

  • f. Who is authorised to perform policy changes?

  • g. Does the AMO maintain a MPAN register?

  • Who is responsible for the MPAN Register?

  • Is the register up to date?

  • h. Has the latest policy release been applied to the selected assets as per the MPAN?

5. Authority Audit report

  • a. How often is the Authority Audit report generated?

  • b. When was this report last generated?

  • c. Direct MCS to generate an Authority Audit report.

  • How many expired certifications are identified in the report?

  • d. Are all the personnel listed in the report still on posting at the venue?

  • Attach report detailing personnel.

  • e. Are authorised Inward/ Outward clearance procedures being followed?

  • f. Does the venue have a system for managing re-authorisation of CAMM2 certifications levels?

6. User Management

  • a. Does the unit maintain an URUP register?

  • b. How long are completed URUPs retained?

  • c. Have all CAMM2 users read and signed the latest version of the CAMM2 Information System Security Practices and Procedures (IS-SPPs)?

  • d. Who ensures all Users read and sign IS-SPPs upon amendment?

  • How is this achieved?

  • e. What are the procedures for transferring a CAMM2 User to another Venue?

  • f. What are the procedures for a discharging CAMM2 User?

  • g. Validate a sample of user group registrations identifying:

  •  URUPs appropriately completed;
     methods used to allocate users to user groups, and
     validate against individual recorded authorisations (RTEs).

  • User Sampled
  • User's Details:

  • URUPs appropriately completed;

  • methods used to allocate users to user groups

  • validate against individual recorded authorisations (RTEs).


  • a. Are CAMM2 DOWN log packs maintained IAW ACG SI(LOG) 1-6-12

  • b. How often are the following reports being generated?

  • Maintenance Forecast Report;

  • Date last run:

  • Life Availability Report;

  • Date last run:

  • Build Structure Report;

  • Date last run:

  • MOD/STI Report;

  • Date last run:

  • CAMM2 TMP Report (LSAR Indented Structure – Inquiry).

  • Date last run:

  • c. Are the backup reports, listed above, readily available?

  • d. What procedures are followed for the retrospective entry of CAMM2 Down data?

8. Training

  • a. Does the AMO have AMD continuation training (CT) and does it include:

  • CAMM2 processes;

  • Paper based AMD process; and

  • AMD Errors;

  • How often is this CT conducted?

  • b. Do the Aircrew receive CAMM2 CT?

  • c. Does AMO conduct CAMM2 Down Training CT?

  • How often is CAMM2 Down CT conducted?

9. Data

  • a. Does Unit have any local CAMM2 SOPs or BLIs?

  • b. How often are the local CAMM2 SOPs or BLIs reviewed?

  • c. Does Unit have a complete set of CAMM2 SMIs?

  • d. How does the unit pass on relevant CAMM2 information from SMIs to the CAMM2 users?

  • e. How are local serial numbers generated?

  • f. Is a locally generated S/No register maintained?

10. Locations

  • a. Except for the ‘Hold’ location, are all CAMM2 locations and their associated sub-locations an actual physical section within the AMO?

  • b. Direct MCS to generate an Asset Position Report for a minimum of 10 assets at two different CAMM2 locations in the Unit.
    c. Visit the two CAMM2 locations and do an audit to determine if the physical assets and their CAMM2 location aligns.

  • Asset Details
  • Serial Number: CAMM2 Location: Physical Location:

  • Report any anomalies. Attach location report to audit report

11. Unserviceabilities

  • a. Direct MCS to run a NetMAARs Quality Assurance report for a two week period for a minimum of three aircraft from the AMO and analyse the report to determine if:

  • the wording of unserviceabilities are clear and concise;

  • corrective actions include an appropriate reference to the maintenance procedure used, ie IAW;

  • the maintenance certifications have been completed within the appropriate time period;

  • IMIs are completed where required;

  • Only approved Single Signature Tasks are signed off with a single signature.

  • Report any anomalies.


1. Aircraft State Report

  • a. Review the AMOs procedures for raising ASF reports during CAMM2 DOWN.

  • b. Is an ASF report allocated for each aircraft at the AMO?

  • How are deployed aircraft allocated ASF reports?

  • c. When was the last test performed on ASF computer IAW AAP 7001.060-series

  • Does the ASF test meet the reuirements?

  • d. Direct Flight Line staff to generate an Aircraft State Report for 2 randomly selected aircraft at the AMO.

  • Aircraft Details
  • Aircraft Details

  • Validate the report against the physical aircraft and/or hardcopy maintenance documentation.

  • Report any anomalies.

2. Maintenance Release and Aircrew Acceptance

  • a. Review Maintenance Release processes within flight line, specifically the following areas:

  • recording and certification of ROCs;

  • Initiating and interpreting ‘BILDS’ checks;

  • management of SMRs;

  • toolboard control;

  • updating and changing A/C comments; and

  • interpretation of Life Limiting data.

  • Report any anomalies.

  • initiating and certification of flight servicings (B/F, T/A, A/F);

  • process for managing and recording aircraft configurations;

  • process for determining aircraft limitations;

  • b. If there any A/C has been Maintenance Released with Override, has the mandatory comment been entered to explain the nature of the Build Anomaly and the rationale for authorisation?

  • c Is the person responsible for Aircraft Maintenance Release authorised as a Maintenance Manager in their RTE.

  • Is this authorisation current?

  • d. Observe the aircrew acceptance and release process for at least one flight.

  • Do aircrew correctly inspect CAMM2 prior to aircraft acceptance?

  • Are aircrew completing AOPs correctly?

  • Report any anomalies.

  • e. How are ASORs recorded/ reported? (AAP 7001.060-3 Sect 1 Chap 8)

  • f. Are all Role codes current? Obsolete role codes are to have an EE400 raised.

  • g. Select two aircraft from the VASM screen and check the following:

  • Aircraft Details
  • Aircraft Details

  • Are there any Carried Forward Unserviceabilities that have exceeded their deferment period?

  • Are there any Special Maintenance Requirements that have exceeded their deferment period?

  • Are there any aircraft with overdue maintenance?

  • Check the physical configuration of the Aircraft against the CAMM2 reported configuration.

  • Report any anomalies.

3. Minor Maintenance

  • a. Is Minor Maintenance without release being used?

  • b. Do Minor Maintenance tasks comply with ACG SIs and SMM pre-authorised tasks as detailed in approved instructions?


1. Maintenance Recording

  • a. Is work being progressively recorded and certified by the person performing the work?

  • b. How are non-MMI components that are removed from aircraft documented?

  • Are Supervisors:

  • Ensuring the correct Maintenance Level?

  • Setting the Reparability Flag?

  • Keeping the Job status current?

  • Report any anomalies.

  • c. Are SRCs being raised in CAMM2?

  • How are they controlled and managed?

  • d. Is the serviceability of assets checked on CAMM2 prior to installation?

  • e. Are TravTags fitted to both Serviceable and Unserviceable Items?

  • f. Are Build Checks conducted prior to printing TravTags?

  • Do all TravTags have a Builds Check of Y?

  • g. Are MMI movements (between sections within the AMO) recorded in CAMM2?

  • h. How are items assessed for forthcoming scheduled maintenance?

  • i. What documentation accompanies MMIs that are dispatched for repair from the unit?

  • j. Are ‘Compare Asset Policy to Default Policy’ Reports conducted post Deeper/Intermediate maintenance?

2. Defect Logs

  • a. Are Defect Logs updated against items that have Defect Reports raised against them?

Auditor's Report

  • Auditor's report

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