Locked out on:
Refiner was locked out by:
SOP # ROME-EHS-003. Rev 3 Effective Date. 1-27-14
Potential Energy Sources
Location: phase 2. Refiner LOTO CHECK OFF LIST -
Steam lock out LP – HP located ground level next to the phase two scrubbers.
Main electrical lock out located in the and MCC room on the north bank and upper left hand corner 900 – MCC – 903 location A– 1
Low pressure steam located in the north/south pipe rack near the chill water and air isolation valves.
North condensate return lockeout about 8 feet from the ground under drive hydrolyzer
South condensate return lockout about 8 feet from the ground under hydrolyzer
HP steam shut off located on top of HP boiler.
HP steam isolation valve located southwest corner of the HP Clayton boiler skid about 8 feet from the ground.