Title Page

  • Client Name

  • Date Conducted

  • Audit Completed By

  • Location
  • Provide a brief description of the client and the activates they carry out

Management and Documentation

  • Does the business have a nominated supervisor / Manager responsible for health and safety?

  • Can records of training be provided to relate to the role of Supervisor / Manager?

  • Have risk assessments and method statements been produced for the activity's being observed?

  • Are Tool Box talks / safety briefings communicated (min 1 per week for projects > 5 days)

  • What subject was the toolbox talk completed on?

  • Has all electrical equipment been subject to an annual inspection by competent persons? (PAT)

  • Is there a current health and safety law poster on display?

  • Is the health and safety policy statement on display?

  • Has the policy statement been singed in the last 12 months?


  • Are suitable welfare facilities available?

  • Are welfare facilities in good order?

First Aid Arrangements

  • Has a first aid needs analysis been completed?

  • Are there sufficient number of first aiders within the premises

  • Is first aid equipment accessible?

  • Is there sufficient quantities of first aid supplies?

  • Are the first aid supplies in date?

Training and Competencies

  • Do personnel have appropriate training records for the work they are undertaking? (Add details below)

Working at Height

  • Is there a specific RA for the work at height activity?

  • Is the correct access equipment in use?

  • Are personnel excluded from beneath W@H operations?

  • Is the use of ladders / stepladders controlled correctly?


  • Are all Access / Egress Routes Clear of obstructions?

  • Are lighting levels suitable & sufficient

  • Are there issues concerning noise or vibration?

  • Are there any issues concerning dust?

  • Are CoSHH materials controlled & stored correctly – are spill kits available?

  • Is CoSHH RA Available at point of work?

  • Is housekeeping maintained to an acceptable standard?

  • Has a Fixed Wire Electrical Inspection been completed?

  • Has Portable Appliance Testing (PAT) been completed?

Fire Safety Arrangements

  • Are there sufficient fire extinguishers in place?

  • Have all extinguishers been serviced in the last 12 months?

  • Has a fire risk assessment been carried out?

  • Are there nominated fire marshals for the office area?

  • Is the fire alarm tested on a weekly basis?

  • Are a minimum of two fire evacuation drills carried out annually?

  • When was the last drill completed?

  • Is there a Fire Safety Log Book present?

  • If no, how do they record their findings?

  • Are there any concerns with Fire Safety that have been observed during the site visit?

Operational Procedures

  • Is a suitable traffic management plan in place?

  • Is key H&S information clearly displayed?

  • If there is a Car Park, Yard Area, are these managed and maintained?

  • If no, provide details and evidence of any concerns

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.