
  • Site/Team/Project/Job No

  • Location
  • Conducted on

  • Inspection carried out by:

  • Also in attendance:

  • Summary/Areas of concern/Good Practice.


Audit notes.

  • Further details and guidance on electrical safety can be found on the HSE website:

  • Scoring Key:

    Red - serious non conformance, breach of legislation and company standards.
    Amber - Some controls in place but not fully complaint with AW standards/guidance.
    Green - Fully complaint with AW standards and no issues identified.
    Blue- Exceeding standards and demonstrating good practice. demonstrating enhanced level in accordance with common safety standards.

Audit questions and findings

  • 1. Are all employees undertaking electrical work competent and authorised? Are training records available.

  • 2. How do we ensure that contractors undertaking electrical work are competent?

  • 3. Are risk assessments completed when working on electrical equipment/systems. Do they include non electrical hazards and records maintained.

  • 4. How do you ensure that contractors have suitable and sufficient safe systems of work in place.

  • 5. How do you ensure that all intrusive electrical work uses appropriate lock off/tag out and isolation procedures.

  • 6. How do you/your team ensure that a permit to work has been issued by an AP before commencing electrical work

  • 7. Have your team been authorised (in writing) to issue permits

  • 8. How do you monitor electrical work/activities.

  • 9. What protective electrical equipment is provided to employees undertaking electrical work and is it maintained.

Other Observations (eg estates issues)

12 Other Observation (estates issues, unsafe acts/practices)

  • Observation

  • Observation


  • Site/Team

  • Agreed actions

  • Item
  • Action/Recommendation

  • Action owner

  • Agreed completion date

Report received by:

  • Name (s):

  • Signed (optional):

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