Site conducted
Inspection Title :
Aftercare defect risk assessment
Date and Time
Defect number
- Royal Wharf
- London City Island
- Embassy Gardens
- Deptford
- Elephant
- Dumont
- N08
- Wembley
- Cambium
Task description
Has there been confirmation, that resident is not self isolating, does not have symptoms of COVID-19, nor has been in contact with anyone that has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks?
Confirm engineer should not be self isolating, does not have symptoms of COVID-19, nor has been in contact with anyone that has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks?
Resident will remain in separate room for duration of visit, maintaining social distancing
Correct PPE for the job, disposable gloves, face mask
Feel fit for work?
If feeling unwell with any symptoms of COVID-19, engineer will leave property immediately to return home, advising tenant, client, and employer
Prior to starting work on defect
Do you have the correct PPE for the job? And in suitable condition?
Do you have the correct tools for the job? And in suitable condition?
Do you require access equipment?
Do you have the appropriate access equipment? Confirming it is also in good working order and condition?
If you answered no to the above question, the work is not to proceed and you are to report to your line manager
A visual inspection of the area needed to work in has been carried out
Visual inspection confirms there is nothing that deems it unsafe I can carry out works
If working on electrical & mechanical components that require isolation, I can confirm they are safe to isolate and the resident has been made aware
Is there anything that needs to be reported or anything unsafe that should be brought to the client and employers attention prior to starting work?
The risk assessment should detail any conditions around your work area. Hazards will change from job to job and access may be different. Review the work area prior to commencing the task and select any of the following hazards that are present or may be introduced by you or others in the immediate work area. Check with your supervisor if it is appropriate to continue the task.
- Slips, trips & falls
- Falls from height
- Falling, flying objects
- Hazardous substances
- Heat / fire / explosion
- Drowning or asphyxia e.g gasses
- Risk to plant
- Objects overturning / collapsing
- Manual handling
- Stored energy or insecure load
- Vehicles e.g FLT's or lorries
- Risk to you from tenant or others
- Confined spaces
- Dust or fumes
- Asbestos / man made mineral
- Noise
- Vibration
- Electricity
- Animals present
- Contamination
- Biological hazards e.g sewage
- Lighting
- Temperature
- Poor weather conditions
- Pinching or trapping points
- Risk to others from your work
- Hazardous process e.g welding
- None of the above
As a competent person, I confirm that the safety arrangements in place are suitable and sufficient to allow the work to proceed in a safe manner and that these arrangements will be reviewed at least daily or whenever there is a significant change in working arrangements or conditions.
I confirm I am happy with the safe working procedures on this defect and am happy to start work
A visual inspection of the area needed to work in has been carried out
Visual inspection confirms there is nothing that deems it unsafe I can carry out defect?
If working on electrical & mechanical components that require isolation, I can confirm they are safe to isolate and the resident has been made aware
Is there anything that needs to be reported or anything unsafe that should be brought to the client and employers attention prior to starting work?
The risk assessment should detail any conditions around your work area. Hazards will change from job to job and access may be different. Review the work area prior to commencing the task and select any of the following hazards that are present or may be introduced by you or others in the immediate work area. Check with your supervisor if it is appropriate to continue the task.
- Slips, trips & falls
- Falls from height
- Falling, flying objects
- Hazardous substances
- Heat / fire / explosion
- Drowning or asphyxia e.g gasses
- Risk to plant
- Objects overturning / collapsing
- Manual handling
- Stored energy or insecure load
- Vehicles e.g FLT's or lorries
- Risk to you from tenant or others
- Confined spaces
- Dust or fumes
- Asbestos / man made mineral
- Noise
- Vibration
- Electricity
- Animals present
- Contamination
- Biological hazards e.g sewage
- Lighting
- Temperature
- Poor weather conditions
- Pinching or trapping points
- Risk to others from your work
- Hazardous process e.g welding
- None of the above
As a competent person, I confirm that the safety arrangements in place are suitable and sufficient to allow the work to proceed in a safe manner and that these arrangements will be reviewed at least daily or whenever there is a significant change in working arrangements or conditions.
I confirm I am happy with the safe working procedures on this defect and am happy to start work
Additional Comments
Engineer Name and Signature
End of job review
Is there an easier, simpler or safer way of doing this job?
Are there lessons that can be passed on the next time the job is done?
Did the work create any additional or unforeseen hazards?
Additional comments