Title Page

  • Reference no.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

AGMC Occupational Health & Safety Inspection

Signages & Posters

  • Includes the assembly area location and position / names of wardens / First Aid Attendants, emergency numbers displayed

  • Fire extinguishers, hose reels, hydrants and fire blankets have signage indicating their location and they are present where indicated by signage

  • Have nonsmoking signs been erected and are they being adhered to?

  • Is there Emergency Evacuation Plan displayed

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

First Aid

  • Are location of first aid kits as well as identity of first aiders clearly displayed at the facility

  • Is there wheelchair and stair slide wheelchair available at the first aid room

  • All First Aid Cabinets located across the facility are clean and stocked according to company requirements and supplies are within expiry dates.

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Fire Fighting Equipments & Emergency Plan

  • Are emergency plans and phone numbers prominently displayed and up to date

  • Are all emergency exit lights in working order

  • Are all fire exits clearly highlighted and clear from obstructions

  • Are all fire extinguishers clearly marked and accessible?

  • Are all fire extinguishers serviced annually, tags & seals in place

  • Are fire pumps in Auto/On mode

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Welfare Facilities

  • Is the canteen & kitchen in a tidy state

  • Are facilities in place for adequate drinking water, boiling water and preparing hot food

  • Are toilets in a tidy state with a good supply of soap, toilet paper, hand drying paper and hot water

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Electrical Hazards

  • Is site clear from any electrical hazards

  • All switches on electrical equipment are in good condition (not cracked, damaged, dirty, condensation present or at risk of being splashed by liquids

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Planned Preventive Maintenance(PPM)

  • Are lifts inspections being carried out regularly

  • Is water tanker cleaning & disinfection being carried out regularly

  • Forklifts and other tools & equipment inspections being carried out regularly

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

House Keeping

  • Is house keeping kept to an acceptable standard

  • Is site free of slip, trip & fall hazards, potholes, lifted carpet, broken tiles etc.

  • Corridors and walkways are free from obstruction

  • All team rooms, washrooms, showers, toilets and lockers are clean and in good working order

  • Is there an adequate number of rubbish bins and do they have adequate space and are not over flowing?

  • Are cleaning chemicals store appropriately & clearly labelled

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Personal Protective Equipment

  • Employees are wearing appropriate PPE for the jobs they are completing?

  • Are PPE stores stocked adequately

  • Is PPE in suitable condition & being used correctly

  • Other Protective Equipment available (Welding Screen, Breathing Apprentice etc.)

  • Appropriate PPE being used by Motorrad Drivers while going for test rive?

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Parts Store

  • Is racking System suitable and sufficient for the parts being stored

  • Are parts stored safely in the racking with no sharp edges protruding

  • Havier parts stored at bottom level of the racking

  • Sufficient lighting is available

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Pressure Car Washing

  • Pressure washer unplugged and switched off if not in use?

  • Cables and hoses are neatly coiled?

  • Chemicals and cleaning materials stored away after use?

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Noise & Vibration

  • Are sufficient precautions in place where employees are at risk from noise or vibration?

  • Are proper PPE provided to workers to avoid noise & vibration hazards

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Hot Work

  • Is hot work being carried out in a safe place

  • Is hot work being carried out by well trained/experienced staff

  • Is there adequate Fire extinguishers & fire blanket at the place of hot work

  • Is there SSOW available at the place of hot work

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Panting & Polishing

  • Is panting work being carried out in a safe place

  • Is proper PPE wore by the worker during the panting work

  • Is proper PPE wore by the worker during the polishing work

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Equipment and tools

  • Are work benches and surrounding areas clear of clutter

  • Are all tools adequately stored?

  • Are tools free of any lubrication to avoid slippery tools hazards

  • Are abrasive wheels regularly inspected by Supervisors

  • Is WD-40 applied on rusty or jammed bolts

  • Is battery unplugged while using any cleaning flammable liquid e.g. WD-40

  • Are the tools insulated to avoid any spark or ignition

  • Is area around abrasive wheels clear?

  • Is all guarding on equipment in place and in working order?

  • Are there any other issues with equipment and tools that could affect safety.

  • Is there a SSOW available for the use and maintenance of machinery

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify


  • All gas canisters in the garage stored upright and secured?

  • Are all gas canisters turned off when not in use?

  • Are gauges being used and are in good condition

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Storage of Flammable/Hazardous substances

  • Are all flammable liquids clearly labeled and stored safely

  • Are all hazardous substances in clearly marked containers?

  • Are all hazardous substances safely and correctly stored

  • Are there sufficient bunding for flammable/hazardous substances?

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify

Waste disposal

  • Is waste being segregated into correct skips

  • Is the waste oil skip lid closed

  • Have any spills been cleaned up and there is no evidence of leaks

  • Noticed any other issue? Please specify


  • Are all vehicles not in use secured?

  • Is building structure and interior in good condition?

  • Any hidden driveway or blind spot observed inside building?

Sign off

  • Audit completed by

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.