Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
Entrances to fueling areas posted with No Smoking signs<br>
No evidence of smoking<br>
All tanks, machinery, piping is bonded or grounded<br>
Areas around tanks are free of weeds, trash or combustible materials<br>
Emergency fuel shutoffs provided for each fueling system/Outside spill area
Proper EMERGENCY FUEL SHUTOFF placards / 7 ft above grade<br>
Emergency fuel shutoffs kept clear and tested every 6 months<br>
Fuel servicing equipment properly maintained free of leaks<br>
Procedures for prevention & control of spills and notification to fire dept<br>
Bonding connections available for loading stations<br>
Deadman controls available for loading stations / Not bypassing deadman<br>
Dry break couplers / adaptors installed<br>
Aircraft fuel hose/blistering, cracking, carcass saturation, separation, kinks<br>
Fueling hydrants, pits, cabinets located 50’ from bldg excpt loading bridges<br>
Portable fire extinguishers at fuel storage areas and loading stations<br>
Portable fire extinguishers on aircraft servicing ramps / aprons<br>
At least 1 wheeled extinguisher if >200 gpm aircraft fueling system or equipment.
Explosion proof electrical equipment<br>
Above ground fuel piping on aircraft movement area protected by barrier guard<br>
Other Items
Name & Signature of Inspector
Date & Time of Inspection