Albuquerque Zone 3 Quality/Safety Inspection (Vocational Hard Trades CSIM and Grounds Surrounding)

  • Albuquerque Zone 3 Quality/Safety Inspection (Vocational Hard Trades CSIM and Grounds Surrounding)

  • Inspection Date

  • Inspected by

  • Zone 3 Vocational Trade Classes, CSIM and Center Grounds

Zone 3 Weekly Quality/Safety Inspection (Vocational Hard Trades, CSIM and Center Grounds)


  • Per COP 5.9, In order to maintain safe, clean and attractive facilities, center management will conduct a weekly quality walk inspection of 1/4 of the center, for the purpose of identifying safety deficiencies, unresolved maintenance issues and quality of life issues. At a minimum, the quality walk inspection team will be comprised of the Center Director, F&A Director, Maintenance Manager/Supervisor, Safety Officer and the Supervisor, Manager or Director responsible for the area(s) being inspected.

Vocational Trade Classes

  • Staff and students have and are utilizing the proper PPE.

  • Machinery and equipment has the proper guarding.

  • Machinery and equipment wiring is free of damage and not missing the required grounding pins.

  • Stationary machinery such as drill presses and bench grinders are properly mounted.

  • PIV's are operated only by certified and licensed operators.

  • Are is free from the use of extension cords in lieu of installed electrical circuits.

  • PIV's are receiving their daily inspection prior to operation.

  • Instructors are completing their daily tool inventory as evidenced by documentation.

  • Students and staff are not performing tasks that could possibly expose them to airborne hazards that exceed the PEL for the hazards without respiratory protection.

  • Hearing protection is available for staff and students when required.


  • Floors: clean, cleanable, in good repair

  • Walls and ceilings: clean, paint in good condition, cleanable

  • Foundation structurally sound ; no water leaks or flooding; walls and ceilings intact

  • Windows and doors not broken; open and close as designed

  • Stairways, stair tread and hand rails: in good repair; and free of trip hazards

  • Exterior walls and gutters are free of defects; and gutters are secured to building, and free of sagging, holes, cracks and leaks


  • No evidence of vermin, insects or rodents. Outer openings protected.

  • Ventilation adequate, no odors or moisture

  • Cleaning supplies, mops, brooms properly stored

  • Carpets and floor coverings securely fastened

  • Windows, sills, curtains, screens, shades: clean and in good repair

  • Lighting adequate, fixtures clean

  • Water fountains clean and working properly

  • First aid kits are stocked and conveniently located

  • AED is operational, with batteries and pads within the expiration dates

  • Enter location of AED that was inspected

  • Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are maintained and conveniently located (SDS are on file for all chemicals; MSDS have been replaced with SDS)

  • Emergency eyewash station is inspected and flushed regularly; functioning properly


  • Fire extinguishers accessible, charged and undergone the annual required inspection.

  • Fire escapes, accessible, marked, unlocked; periodic fire drills conducted

  • Evacuation route maps posted and contain the required information.

  • Flammable liquids, oily rags and waste properly stored; No fire hazards

  • Alarm system functioning properly; exit signs illuminated; smoke detectors working properly

  • Emergency lighting/Exit Signs functioning properly<br>(functional testing should be conducted by pressing the "push to test" button for a minimum of 30 seconds).

  • Fire Sprinkler Systems: in good condition with no visible damage; free of external leaks and undergone the required annual inspection.

  • 18” clearance maintained between sprinkler heads and stored items

  • Electrical installations adequate and properly identified.

  • GFCIs functioning properly

BATHROOMS (Common and Individual)

  • Toilets: adequate in number, in good repair, clean, toilet paper available

  • Showers and tubs: in good repair, hot and cold water, clean, mildew free

  • Sinks: clean, in good repair, hot and cold water, soap available, drying device available

  • Adequate ventilation, no odors or moisture

  • Plumbing installations and drains adequate

  • Rubbish containers: provided, adequate, clean, emptied daily

Center Grounds adjacent to Zone 3 structures

  • Perimeter fencing is in good condition (no gaps or holes in fencing)

  • Entry/Exit gates and vehicle traffic control devices are in working condition (items open/close or lift up or down per manufacturers guidelines).

  • Roadways, parking lots, and sidewalks are free from build up of limbs, leaves

  • Roadways, parking lots, and sidewalks have safe and even surfaces, with no sinking, uneven pavement or potholes.

  • Grounds are free of trash and debris.

  • Retaining walls, drainage basin, and other lawn or ground features are in good condition.

  • Center is free of graffiti or vandalism

Additional Comments/Information/Photos

  • Any further comments or recommendations from this inspection?

  • Add any additional relevant photos


  • All persons involved in the inspection will print their name and sign below

  • Signature of Inspector

  • Center Director

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

  • Name of others involved in inspection

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