Title Page
Site Name and Store Number
Conducted on
Prepared by
Check data manager alarm history and ask store management about significant events. Note findings.
Is the plant room/ Pack enclosure locked and secure?
Note Packs and Condensing Units Makes, models and year of manufacture.
If present, do CO2 detection test buttons and strobe lights work?
Is the plant room/ pack enclosure / CU surrounds clean and tidy? Any signs of oil leaks?
Is there safe access and egress to plant room/ enclosure and adequate lighting?
Are all PRVs Tagged?
Are all PRVs within date?
Are the PRVs free of oil - leaks or stains?
Are PRV vent lines in place, secure and clear?
Is the level in oil reservoirs sufficient?
Do all Compressors have sufficient oil levels?
Are Compressor oil controls in working order?
Are Compressors free of oil leaks/ stains?
Are HP and LP lines in good order and routed to prevent rubbing through?
Are HP, LP, Oil LP switches mounted securely with covers on?
Are unloader and or oil Solenoids firmly in position and wiring clear of rub through?
Are electrical panel doors closed and properly secured?
Are pack display panels free of illuminated alarm lights?
Are panel/ pack isolators are working.
Do all Compressors isolator switches work?
Do all Compressors run when called for?
Are timers all working and or all contractors pulling in?
Check overloads. Are they all sound and set to correct ratings?
Are body cooling fans attached to Compressors? If so, are they clean and all operational?
Are all inverters in operation/ working correctly?
Are heat sinks clean and fans working?
Are cables to and from inverters secure and insulated from rubbing against frame work?
Check Pack Controller Alarm history and note any events.
Are packs running at pressures that are within range for the type of refrigerant?
Is all pipework and lagging in good order and free of ice/ frost and oil stains?
Is the liquid level in receiver sufficient?
Are low level sensors in the correct position and working?
Are all fans operational?
Are all fans rotating the correct direction?
Are fan isolator switches secure and have sufficient ingress protection?
Are fins and passes clean and clear of debris?
Are there hose pipes or sprinklers present ?
Inspect the power / condenser controller board. Is it clean? Are all cables tidy and insulated? Contractors, relays, fuses sound?
Are Probes correctly positioned and secure?
Is pipework and lagging free of damage and oil stains?
Give a brief summary of any fabric issues on shop floor. Eg Night blinds, Dividers, Honey combs damage, door or lights issues, excessive ice build up in freezer wells
Check operation of doors, frame heaters, briefly note any issues.
If present, inspect and press CO2 leak alarm test buttons and strobe lights, note issues.
Are evaporators, fins and passes clean?
Are cold Stores free of frost/ ice build up?
Are all evaporator side covers and drip trays present , secure and free of ice?
Are all evaporator fans working, rotating in correct direction and clean?
Are drain heater tapes secure and working?
Are all Probes correctly positioned and secure?
Use this section to note any further observations.