
  • Document No.

  • Audit Completed For

  • Conducted on

  • Audit Completed By

Health, Safety & Environmental Management

  • Has the site got the correct documentation?

  • Is there a Induction/briefing record in place? (Record any findings)

  • Are the employees aware of the hazards and the necessary procedures to protect themselves?

Notice Boards

  • Is the F10, Health & Safety Law Poster, ELI, Statement of intent etc. displayed or provided for all employees?

  • Is there a Fire Plan/Local Plan displayed or provided for all employees?

Health Surveillance

  • Are there any job specific health issues?

  • Are occupational health reviewed/recorded?

Manual Handling

  • Is there any manual handling involved?

  • Are there any residual risks?

  • Are there any trained POPs or TRACAs?

  • Have staff been trained to follow the Pristine condition programme?

  • Do personnel make full and proper use of any manual handling equipment provided?

First Aid

  • Are there sufficient number of qualified first aiders available on site?

  • Are provisions made for special hazards in the workplace?

  • Is the first aid box located with the workgroup and is it suitably stocked?

Fire and Evacuation

  • Are the emergency evacuation procedures brought to the attention of all staff?

  • Have a sufficient number of Fire Extinguishers been provided and are they tested/inspected in accordance with the requirements?

Display Screen Equipment

  • Have all DSE users received the relevant training/information for Display Screen Equipment use?

  • Have the minimum requirements for the workstation been met with respect to the Display Screen, Keyboard, Software, Documents, Seating and working environment?

Electricity/Portable Appliance Testing/Work Equipment

  • Do you have a register of all portable appliances i.e. Extension leads, portable hand electric tools such as drills etc?

  • Check on Electrical Safety (by sampling use of equipment, competence of staff, lockouts), is this being followed as per the standards?

Provision of Welfare Facilities

  • Are the sanitary conveniences and welfare facilities sufficient for the number of staff?

  • Is there an adequate supply of potable drinking water available?


  • Are means provided to reduce excessive temperatures! I.e. Regular breaks, warm clothing etc.


  • Ladders: if there are step ups, step ladders, ladders etc. provided for all staff, have they been inspected and result recorded?

  • Scaffold: if there are fixed or mobile scaffolds provided for staff, have they been inspected and erected by component people?

  • Pressure Systems: have all relevant pressure systems received a recorded inspection in accordance with written schemes of examination?

  • Hazardous Substances: is there a register of hazardous substances and risk assessments for their use?

  • Do you have permits to work? (If required) If so, have all staff been briefed on the controls required with the use of such permit?

  • Are operators given adequate training and have they been checked for competence?

  • Is Access/Egress onto site adequate?

  • Is there any compressed gas/highly flammable liquids stored on site?

  • Is the storage of these adequate?

  • Is housekeeping to a good standard?

Lifting Devices

  • Have the operators been properly trained?

  • Is the appropriate lift plant being used?

  • Is there evidence of regular checks and maintenance to ensure the safety of the fork lift trucks/cranes/hoists/hydraulic rams/lifting chains/ropes/strops/pump up pallet trucks etc. ?

  • Is the Safe Working Load (SWL) clearly marked?

  • Is the latest test date identifiable, and in date?

Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)

  • Have the risks, use, exposure and nature of the hazardous substance been assessed/briefed to all affected staff?

  • Are all harmful and dangerous substances clearly labelled?

  • Are alternative safer substances available which can be used as substitutes?

  • Have the appropriate control systems and PPE been provided and is the PPE being used?

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Is everyone wearing the mandatory PPE?

  • Has the PPE been provided to cover any additional risks? e.g. Safety harnesses, all weather gear etc.

  • Is the equipment being maintained, cleaned and looked after as necessary?

  • Is the PPE being properly used?

Plant, Machinery & Vehicles

  • Is the machine/plant/vehicle completed and correctly installed, and operated competently?

  • Do Plant Operators hold appropriate competency cards?

  • Are all moving parts adequately guarded?

  • Is the machine/plant used for its intended purpose?

  • Is the machine/plant/vehicle regularly maintained and are the maintenance procedures carried out as per the manufacturers recommendations?


  • Noise - As a general rule, if you: - have to shout to be heard at a distance of 2m, the noise level is approx 85dB and you should consider wearing hearing protection.

  • Is it monitored and results recorded?

  • Are the mitigation measures adequate and is hearing protection provided?

  • Are all operatives wearing the appropriate ear protection as identified by the risk assessment?

  • Are people not involved in the work kept away from the source of the noise.

  • Is the hearing protection adequate (correct SNR) being worn correctly and are they serviceable?

  • Ensure Areas which are mandatory hearing protection zones are signed as such using the appropriate signs.


  • Does the organisation retain a register of its Environmental aspects and impacts appropriate to the scope of work?

  • Is all controlled waste stored in suitable receptacles (sacks, bins or skips) on the site?

  • Are registered controlled waste carriers used to remove and dispose of the waste from the site? (Are copies of the annual waste registration certificates available)

  • Are Waste Transfer Notes kept on site for a minimum period of 2 years?

  • Are waste products disposed of in a controlled manner by a registered carrier at licensed facilities?

  • Is the pollution prevention controls adequate? (Storage, bundling, containers, drips trays on static plant etc.)

  • Is there any evidence off protected species, if so are protection measures adequate?

  • Is there any evidence of invasive plants, if so are precautions adequate?

  • Note - it is an offence to propagate or cause to spread Japanese Knotweed, Giant Hogweed, Ragwort and Himalayan Balsam.

  • Is the site free from trees that have a tree protection order (TPO)?

  • Have all practical measures been implemented to increase the energy efficiency of the site?

  • Are any consents required?, if so are they being monitored and complied with?

  • Are there effective measures in place to prevent light pollution?

  • Are any noise/dust issues present and are they being suitably controlled?


  • Is the excavation clearly demarcated?

  • Is there any edge protection to prevent falls?

  • If the excavation requires shoring or battering is it suitable and sufficient?

  • Is the access/egress into the excavation adequate and safe?

  • Is there a correctly implemented permit to dig in place?

Hand Arm Vibration (HAV)

  • Is it monitored and results recorded?

  • Are the mitigation measures adequate and workplace exposure limits being adhered too?

Highways Specific

  • Is the Traffic Management in place?

  • Have briefings been completed?

  • Is the Competence of the TM crew in date?

  • Do TM vehicles meet requirements of Chapter 8 - Compliance & Cleanliness?

  • Does the TM installation meet requirements of a safe design, security, and cleanliness?

  • Are the Safety Zones provided and maintained?


  • Summary

Risk Rating

  • Risk rating

  • Distribution List: Martin Cahalan, David Miller, Georgina Taylor, David Piner and the relevant line management for the work activity inspected.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.