Title Page

  • Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

General Information

  • Location - Safety Team Members

  • Lab Manager

  • Assistant Lab Manager

OSHA General Requirements

First Aid

  • Is First Aid kit on site and well stocked? Is the First Aid register in kit and in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.50(d)(2)

  • How often is the first aid kit serviced?

  • Does the location have a first aid vendor?

  • Are all OSHA required posters hung up and up-to-date?

  • Is the OSHA 300 log posted/available if during the required posting period?<br>OSHA Standard 1904.32(b)(5)

  • Is the Workers Compensation poster posted?

Emergency Evacuation Plan

  • Is there an emergency evacuation map posted?

  • Is there an emergency evacuation plan for this location finalized?

  • Is the emergency evacuation plan posted?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.35(d)

  • Are the Emergency numbers posted?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.50(a)


  • Does the facility have an AED?

  • Is the AED inspected on a monthly basis?

  • Is there a vendor that maintains the AED?

  • Name of Vendor

  • Does this location have trained responders for first aid and AED?

  • Names of employees

  • Obtain copies of certifications

Fire Protection SAF-P04-004 (Fire Protection)

  • When was the last time the fire extinguishers were serviced and tagged?

  • Who is the fire protection vendor?

  • How many fire extinguishers does this facility have?

  • Are fire extinguisher inspections current?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(c)(1)(viii)

  • Has a fire drill been conducted within the last 6 months?

  • When was the last fire drill?

  • Are employees trained in the use of fire extinguishers?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150

  • Are there fire extinguishers within 100 feet of all work areas?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(c)(1)(i)

  • Are all fire extinguishers in good working order?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(a)(4)

  • Is there an extinguisher within 50 feet of all flammable liquids of 5 gallons or more?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.150(c)(1)(vi)

  • Are flammable liquids stored in approved safety cans?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.152(a)(1)

  • Are there "NO SMOKING" signs posted in the storage areas?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.151(a)(3)

  • Is there a 20lb., ABC extinguisher within 50 ft. of acetylene and oxygen tanks?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.152(d)

  • Is there a 20lb., ABC extinguisher located in welding/cutting area?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(d)

Bloodborne Pathogens SAF-P07-001 (Bloodborne Pathogens)

  • Cleanup equipment and supplies are available.

  • All employees with potential occupational exposure have equipment to prevent exposure (e.g. gloves, CPR mask, etc.)

  • Equipment and supplies are available for clean-up of potentially contaminated material.

  • Supervisors and all employees with potential occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens receive formalized training, including exams, upon assignment and within each 365 days thereafter.

  • Process exists for disposal of bio-hazard wastes.

  • All employees understand the hazards associated with bloodborne pathogens and the concept of Universal Precautions.

  • Regulations are followed regarding annual training requirements, vaccinations (Hepatitis B) and recordkeeping

  • Universal precautions are followed to prevent the spread of bloodborne pathogens.

Fall Protection SAF-P08-001 (Fall Protection)

  • Does this location require fall protection?

  • Are employees using fall protection when required?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.501(a)(2)

  • Is fall protection equipment inspected and stored in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926(d)(21)

  • Are employees trained in the use of fall protection systems?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.503(a)(1)

  • Are employees using the system properly?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.501(a)(1)

General Safety and Security Policy

Housekeeping and Material Handling

  • Are all stairways and aisles clear of material and debris?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(a)(3)

  • Is material stored or stacked properly to prevent injuries?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(a)(1)

  • Are all nails removed from all boards not in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250(b)(8)(i)

  • Is material from upper floors secured from blowing/falling?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.259(b)(1)


  • Is there hot water available?

  • Are toilet facilities adequate and clean?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.51(c)(1)

  • Is trash and debris removed daily?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.250

Slips, Trips and Falls

  • Are the surfaces level and free of cracks?

  • Are the floor surfaces free of highly waxed areas?

  • Are the floor surfaces level and free of cracks/bulges/breaks/tears?

  • Do surfaces have proper drainage?

  • Are walkways properly illuminated?

  • Are the carpets firmly fastened in place and free of gaps?

  • Are walkways free of debris?

  • Are the floor surfaces free of debris?

  • Are the entryway mats in place during rain or snow conditions?


  • Are there ramps at this location?

  • Are the floor surfaces treated with non-slip materials?

  • Are the ramps equipped with handrails?

  • Are landings provided at points of turning, entrance and exit?


  • Are there stairways at this location?

  • Are the steps uniform and well maintained with no broken edges?

  • Do doors open into stairways without landings?

  • Are handrails provided and secure?

  • Are the landings level and well maintained?

  • Are the stairways and landings well illuminated?

  • Are the landings and stairways free of debris?

  • Is emergency lighting provided with proper coverage?


  • Are the floor surfaces free of irregularities?

  • Are the floor surfaces free of water?

  • While floors are wet mopped, is the area barricaded or signs in places?

  • Are buckets, mops, brooms, etc.,kept out of walking areas?

Hand and Power Tools (Hand and Power Tool Policy)

  • Do employees use power tools?

  • Do employees receive annual training on power tool safety?

  • Are workers trained in the proper operation of the machinery prior to using?

  • Are tools that are designed for a fixed location securely anchored to prevent walking or moving during operation? <br>OSHA Standard 1910.212(b)

  • Are tools being inspected and stored properly?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.300(a)

Grinding Machinery

  • Does this location use grinding machinery?

  • Was the grinding wheel inspected and a ring test completed prior to mounting to ensure it has not been damaged?<br>OSHA Standard 1910.215(d)(1)

  • Are the work rests adjusted closely to the wheel with a max. opening of 1/8"?<br>OSHA Standard 1910.215(a)(4)

  • Are the tongue guards adjusted within 1/4' of the periphery of the grinding wheel?<br>OSHA Standard 1910.215(b)(9)

  • Do all tools have the proper guards?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.300(b)(1)

  • Are all electrical cords and plugs in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.403(b)

  • Are employees trained in powder actuated tools?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.302(e)(1)

Electrical Safety Electrical Safety Policy - Future

  • Is there 3 ft. around all breaker panels?

  • Do all electrical cords and devices have proper covers and show no signs of damage?

  • Are temporary lights properly suspended and maintained?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(a)(2)(ii)(F)

  • Are the temporary power cords protected from heavy traffic?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(a)(2)(ii)(I)

  • Are the temporary power panels in good condition and maintained?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(b)(2)

  • Are all unused knockouts blanked?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(b)(1)

  • Are all panel schedules in place?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.403(h)

  • Are all panels marked and made inaccessible to unauthorized persons?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405

Lockout/Tagout SAF-P06-001 (Lockout Tagout)

  • Does this location require LOTO?

  • Is LO/TO equipment on site, used, and documented?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.417

  • Is the written LO/TO procedure on site?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.417

  • Are the authorized personnel identified, trained, and qualified to LO/TO?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.417

  • Are the LO/TO tags/logs properly filled out and up to date?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.417

  • Is there a copy of Energized Electrical/Hot Work policy on site?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.416(a)(1)

  • Is all hot work in full compliance with policy?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.416(a)(1)

  • Have all authorized persons received hot work training?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.416(a)(1)

  • Are there covers, faceplates, or fixture canopies?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.405(b)(2)

Welding and Cutting

  • Does this location do any welding or cutting activities?

  • Are all leads and stringers in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(b)(2)

  • Are all bare spots on welding leads properly repaired?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(b)(4)

  • Is the first 10 feet of the leads free from damage?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.351(b)(2)

  • Is proper eye protection available and in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.353(e)(2)

  • Are all cylinders in a secured, upright position?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.350(a)(9)

  • Do all cylinders have protective caps when not in use?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.350(a)(1)

  • Is there a fire watch needed/used?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(e)

  • Is a welding screen utilized to protect personnel?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(b)

  • Is there a 20lb. ABC Ext. located in welding/cutting area?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.352(d)

  • Is there a 20 foot separation between O2 and acetylene when stored?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.350(a)(10)

Ladder Safety SAF-P04-007 (Ladder Safety)

  • Are employees trained on and using ladders properly?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1060

  • Are all ladders inspected daily and in good condition?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(15)

  • Are spreaders on step ladders down and locked?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(a)(8)

  • Are all ladders rated for task uses?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(a)(1)(i)

  • Are side rails 3 feet above landings for extension ladders?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1052(b)(1)

  • Are extension ladders secured at the top and/or bottom?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(1)

  • Are doorways barricaded when necessary?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(b)(8)

  • Is proper fall protection used when required?<br>OSHA Standard 1926.1053(a)(22)

Floor/Wall Openings, Stairwells, and Roofs

  • Are all employees protected from falling objects?<br>OSHA 1926.501(c)

  • Is all material at least 10 feet from the floor edge?<br>OSHA 1926.250(b)(1)

  • Do all guard rails meet OSHA requirements?<br>OSHA 1926.502(b)

  • Is fall protection provided/used for fall exposures in excess of 6 feet?<br>OSHA 1926.501(b)(15)

Hazard Communication SAF-P02-001 (Haz Com)

  • Does the lab maintain MSDS's? (individual must be able to physically point out the MSDS's for their area)

  • Are there any hazardous materials in the work area? (They should be able to locate their inventory of hazardous materials)

  • Is there a written hazardous communication program for their work area?

  • Is there a hazardous inventory? if yes, a copy of your inventory needs to be included with this audit report.

  • Has the inventory been reviewed within the last calendar year?

  • Is each container labeled properly? (At minimum product identity, hazard warning, PPE, target organs, manufacturer name, address and emergency phone number)

  • Are employees trained and aware of where the MSDS binder is located?

  • Have employees been trained on the appropriate use of PPE?

  • Is PPE available and used when handling corrosive, flammable and carcinogenic substances?

  • Are volumes of chemicals consistent with usage? <br>**It is dangerous to store large volumes of hazardous chemicals. Chemicals should be discarded if not used within 6 months**

  • Are chemicals stored properly? (Not under sinks)

  • Have any new chemicals or processes been introduced in the past year?

  • Have employees been trained on how to handle a spill and is a spill kit available?

Compressed Gases SAF-P10-001 (Compressed Gas)

  • Does this location have compressed gases?

  • Are cylinders stored upright, secured and in a dry, cool area?

  • Are cylinders stored away from electrical connections, flames, sources of ignition and flammable/combustible substances?

  • Are acetylene and propane gas cylinders separated from oxygen by at least 20 feet or by a fire resistant partition when in storage?

  • Are all compressed gas cylinder valve covers in place when the cylinders are not in use?

  • Are all compressed gas cylinders labels clear and legible?

  • Are all compressed gas cylinders free from visual defects?

  • Are compressed gas cylinders moved by a suitable hand truck?

Industrial Equipment Future Policy

  • Does this location have industrial equipment?

  • Picture of Industrial Powered Truck

  • Is the battery charging area properly located to protect the charger from collision? <br>OSHA Standard 1910.178(g)(2)

  • Are forktrucks inspected prior to use?<br>OSHA Standard 1910.178(q)(7)

  • Have all operators been trained and certified to operate forktrucks?

  • What are the names of the individuals certified?

  • Obtain copies of certifications

Personal Protection Equipment

  • Are employees provided PPE for any hazards? <br>OSHA 1910.132(f)


  • Employees perform tasks, or work near employees that perform tasks, that might produce airborne dust or flying particles

  • Employees handle, or work near employees who handle hazardous liquid chemicals or encounter blood splashes

  • Employees' eyes exposed to other potential physical or chemical irritants

  • Employee exposed to intense light or lasers


  • Employee handles or works near employees who handle hazardous liquid chemicals

  • Employees' faces are exposed to extreme heat

  • Employees' faces are exposed to other potential irritants


  • Tools or other objects may potentially fall from above and strike your employee on the head

  • Employees' heads, when they stand or bend, are near exposed beams, machine parts, pipes, etc.?

  • Employees work with or are in close proximity to electrical wiring or components of electrical wiring


  • Tools, heavy equipment or other objects may potentially roll, fall onto or strike employees' feet

  • Employees work with or are near exposed electrical wiring or electrical wiring components

  • Employees handle or work with those who handle molten metal

  • Employees work with explosives or are in an explosive atmosphere


  • Employees' hands may come into contact with tools or materials that might scrape, bruise or cut

  • Employees handle chemicals that might irritate skin or come into contact with blood

  • Employees place their hands and arms near extreme heat

  • Employees' hands and arms are placed ear exposed electrical wiring or components


  • Employees' bodies exposed to irritating dust or chemical splashes

  • Employees' bodies exposed to sharp or rough surfaces

  • Employees' bodies exposed to extreme heat

  • Employees' bodies exposed to acids or other hazardous substances


  • Employees are exposed to loud noise from machines, tools, music systems, etc.


  • Have all employees completed the required training in LMS?

  • Describe deficiencies

  • Additional comments


  • Completed By

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.