Audit Title
Site Name
Conducted on
Site EHS Manager
Applicable Standards
Select those standards that apply.
- EHS&S standard 19 "Fall Prevention"
- 29CFR1910 Subpart D "Walking-Working Surfaces"
Documents Reviewed
Site Slip, Trip, Fall Assessment
Training Program
Training Records
Site specific documents reviewed:
Program Execution
Is there an IOSS program leader on site?
Has the site completed a slip, trip, fall assessment using the “J&J Slips, Trips and Fall Prevention Site Risk Assessment” or equivalent tool in the past three years?
What is the date of the last assessment?
Has the organization established, implemented, and maintained a process to ensure that action items from the hazard identification/risk assessment are documented in a facility action plan?
What tool do they use to track actions?
What is the frequency of training?
- Initial
- Annual
- Every 3 Years
- Initial Only
Does the training program cover the required program elements?
Has the organization conducted analyses of accident logs and incident records that involved slips, trips or falls in order to provide input for potential improvements in the facility’s Fall Prevention Program?
Employee Discussions
Discussions were held with the following groups or employees on site. List number of people when applicable.
Plant Tour
Are signs posted advising not to walk and text?
Is signage present in stairwells to use handrails?