Title Page

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Personnel

Operational Cleanliness

  • Hand Washing - clean sink, hot water, anti bac soap and hand drying facilities available

  • Are all food handlers in correct clothing? Chefs in whites, apron, hats and appropriate footwear. Enter N/A if kitchen not open / no one on duty

  • Are walls, floors, ceilings clean and in good condition

  • Is the kitchen canopy clean with filters in place

  • Are fryers clean and oil in good condition

  • Are microwaves and additional cooking equipment clean.

  • Are fridges / freezers clean and not in need of defrosting. (Check seals for food debris)

  • Evidence of three stage cleaning process being used.

  • Add pictures where required.

Food Safety

  • All food labelled and in date.

  • Are all foods stored in appropriate location. (Fridge / Freezer / Dry store) No food directly on floor.

  • Is for correctly stored in fridge - raw and ready to eat separated and in correct hierarchy

  • Stock rotation. Is all stock in date order.

  • Are all fridges and freezers operating at correct temps. (Fridges 1-7C Freezers below -18C

  • Is all food adequately covered. Plastic lids or cling film available.

  • Are there at least two working food probes and sanitising probe wipes available.

  • Are deliveries being put away straight away. If no evidence is witnessed, mark as non applicable

  • Are all coloured chopping boards available and in good condition.

  • Is there a raw meat preparation area available and being used properly.

  • Is food defrosted under refrigeration.

  • Is there evidence that meals are being probed regularly to ensure adequate core temperature is being achieved.

  • Evidence available that raw food is being washed thoroughly.

  • Do food handlers regularly wash hands (particularly after handling raw food) If kitchen is not in operation mark as non applicable.

  • Add pictures where required.

Management Oversight

  • Has the kitchen record book been fully completed

  • Are all cleaning records up to date and reflective of standards observed today.

  • Are only COSHH proved chemicals in use

  • Have all food products been purchased from an approved supplier.

  • If food is purchased locally has the Purchase of Goods Policy been followed.

  • Was your impression that the standards & paperwork seen today would have lead to a Five Star Scores On The Doors?

  • Add pictures where required.

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.