Location address/What3Words
Conducted on
Prepared by
Inspection Number
Production Compliance
Fire extinguishers, enough in accordance with FRA, in correct positions, in date?<br>
Housekeeping Inspection; Work areas tidy, clear of debris, trip Hazards
Which department is responsible?
Power / Hand Tool, Proper guards, handles and use?
Which department?
Fire exits, clear inside and out, serviceable doors, Fire Exit signage?
Eye Wash (15 minute) stations within the work area, serviceable. First Aid kit in position and topped up?
H&S Notice board, all current information, in date?
COSHH, minimal at work station, storage, waste
Safety signage at machines, correct, quality, quantity?
Electrical Safety Inspections, make a note of number of appliances check for PAT
What items?
Fire alarm test?
When was the last test?
PPE, correct according to RAMS, being worn, fitted, serviceable, (check filter dates), enough supply, stored correctly?
Which department, what PPE?
HWP required? in place, managed?
Which Department?
Access and Egress, walkways clear? clear path to exists?
Which department is responsible?
General waste, specific waste (dust, liquid, paint, substances), no build up, correctly disposed?
Which department is responsible?
Welfare enough, clean, Fire extinguisher check, house keeping
Any other points worthy of note, not H&S related?
H&S Department Auditor