Title Page

  • Reported on

  • Reported by

  • Client / Site

  • Location of incident

Incident details

Personal and Incident Details

  • Name of person making report

  • Contact number

  • Email address

  • Incident description - what happened?

Injury Details

  • Injured person's name

  • Position

  • Date of birth

  • Type of injury?

  • Part/s of the body affected

  • Date and Time of symptoms

  • Injury cause?

  • Was medical treatment given?

  • What treatment was provided?

  • Where / by whom (multiple selection)?

  • Date and Time of treatment

  • Details of treatment provider

  • Time lost due to injury?

  • How many hours/days?

  • Is it a slip, trip or fall?

  • Height of fall (m)

  • Were you -

  • If stairs -

  • Did you fall on your -

  • What were you carrying (if anything) at that time?

  • Surface type

  • Type of shoes worn

  • Were there any other parties / witnesses involved?

  • Name and phone number of any witness(es) * Name, address, phone number and licence details of other party/parties if vehicle incident

  • Does it involve manual handling?

  • Were your items within easy reach?

  • Safety equipment available?

  • Was the equipment being used correctly?

  • Repititive and forceful movements used?

  • Action involved

  • Weight of object (kg)

  • Distance carried/position of object moved from/to (m)

  • Height of load (m)

Incident details

  • At fault?

  • Were there any other parties / witnesses involved?

  • Name and phone number of any witness(es) * Name, address, phone number and licence details of other party/parties if vehicle incident

  • What immediate action(s) were taken?

  • Are any further actions required?

  • Note further actions required eg repairs, clean-up etc

Vehicle / plant / property

  • Equipment/vehicles/plant/property involved?

  • Description of damage

  • Previous condition of vehicle / plant / property

  • $ Cost estimate of damage

  • Condition after incident


  • What were you doing prior to the incident?

  • How long had you been working? (hours)

  • Is this task part of your normal duties?

  • Have you been trained for this task?

  • Safe Work Method Statements followed?

  • Appropriate safety equipment used?

  • Lighting adequate?

  • Housekeeping issues contributed?

  • Was the workload:

  • Are there any other factors involved (e.g work environment, equipment, management)?

Report completion

  • Recommendation

  • Details

  • Person assigned

  • Target Date

  • Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.