
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Conducted on

  • Location
  • CoA SWQ Permit: 2013653514

    State of Colorado CDPS Permit; COR03K386

  • Total Project Area: 10.0 acres

    Total Project Area to be disturbed: 9.5 acres

  • Name and Title of Inspector(s)

  • Weather at time of inspection

  • Type of Inspection

  • Precipitation Start Date

  • Precipitation Stop Date

  • Type of Runoff

  • Amount of Precipitation

  • Current Site Activities

  • Is the Inspector a "qualified person" in accordance with 3.1.2?

  • Have all site activities begin with proper installation of sediment and perimeter controls?

  • Area with missing control

  • Sediment Control
  • Picture of missing control

  • Description of operation and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are all stockpiles properly protected relevant to their location?

  • Stockpile location

  • Stockpile
  • Picture of stockpile

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Do all perimeter controls have less than one-half sediment accumulation of the above ground height?

  • Areas where sediment accumulation is occurring

  • Sediment Accumulation
  • Picture of sediment accumulation

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Is sediment track-out on streets, paved areas, and sidewalks minimized?

  • Areas where tracking is occurring

  • Tracking
  • Picture of tracking

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Is all construction traffic access limited to designated VTCs and pedestrian access points?

  • Areas where non-designated access is occurring

  • Non-Designated Access
  • Picture of non-designated access

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Is fugitive dust being minimized?

  • Fugitive Dust Location

  • Fugitive Dust
  • Picture of fugitive dust

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are discharge points and receiving waters free of any sediment deposits or pollutants?

  • Discharge location

  • Sediment/Pollutant
  • Picture of sediment deposit

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Is there any discharging groundwater or accumulated stormwater that is removed from excavations, trenches, foundations, vaults, or other similar points?

  • Is the dewatering in compliance with the discharge requirements?

  • Dewatering Location

  • Dewatering
  • Picture of dewatering

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Have soil stabilization measures been initiated if earth -disturbing activities have permanently or temporarily ceased (14 days)?

  • soil stabilization area

  • soil stabilization
  • Picture of area needing stabilization

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are any of the following being generated on site: concrete wash water, wastewater pain cleanout, oils, fuels, soaps, solvents, detergents, or other toxic substances prohibited by City of Aurora Stormwater Rules and Regulations Manual?

  • Are materials being properly maintained?

  • unmaintained toxic substance

  • toxic substance
  • picture of regulated substance

  • description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are equipment or vehicles being fueled and/or maintained on site?

  • Are effective means of eliminating the discharges of spilled or leaked chemicals being utilized? i.e. drip pans, spill supplies

  • Preventative measures in equipment areas

  • Equipment Maintenance
  • picture of maintenance or fueling operation

  • description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are vehicle equipment fueling, cleaning, and maintenance areas free of spills, leaks, or any other deleterious materials?

  • Spill/Leak in Equipment Area

  • Spill/Leak
  • picture of spill/leak

  • description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Is trash/litter being collected and placed in dumpsters?

  • Areas with trash/litter

  • trash/litter
  • picture of trash/litter

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are washout facilities (e.g. paint, stucco, concrete) available and maintained?

  • Washout Facility

  • Washout
  • picture of unmaintained wash out

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Is the project site and adjacent property free of visible erosion?

  • Area of visible erosion

  • erosion
  • picture of erosion

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are all BMPs and containers in proper working order to prevent spills, leaks, or other accumulations of pollutants?

  • Area of insufficient BMP/containment

  • containment
  • picture of BMP/containment

  • Description of location and maintenance needed

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Are all other conditions on site in compliance with the permit?

  • Other item to be addressed
  • Picture of area of concern

  • Description of item to be addressed and location

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • Have you inspected ALL areas that have been cleared, graded, or excavated and that have not yet completed stabilization?

  • Have you inspected ALL Stormwater controls including pollution prevention measures?

  • Have you inspected ALL material, waste, borrow or equipment storage and maintenance areas?

  • Have you inspected ALL areas where Stormwater flows within the site?

  • Have you inspected ALL points of discharge?

  • Have you inspected ALL locations where stabilization measures have been implemented?

  • If you declared a portion of the site unsafe to inspect, have you described the reasoning?

A1: Inlet on SE corner of I225 off ramp and Iliff

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A20: Inlet south of A1, behind concrete retaining wall in dirt area

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A2: Inlet on NE corner of I225 off ramp and Iliff

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A21: Inlet in dirt area on NE corner of I225 off ramp and Iliff, about 15 yards behind A2

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A3: VTC on west side of Abilene just north of Iliff, south of old SEMA yard.

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A3: Inlet on east corner of NB I225 onramp at Iliff

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A4: area inlet behind old SEMA yard, in gore east of NB I225 onramp at Iliff

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A12: VTC west side of Abilene at very north end of Iliff fill area

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A5: Area inlet north of ST-A1, east of NB I225 west of Abilene at station 746+00

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A9: tracking pad on west side of Abilene at Jewell

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-24 area Inlet at bottom of slope parallel with Chubby's VTC

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A7: area Inlet across from EcoTech, west side of Abilene east of NB I225

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC A-14: entrance on west side of Abilene just south of Florida

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC A-13: entrance on the west side of Abilene across from EcoTech

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A7: area Inlet across from EcoTech, west side of Abilene east of NB I225

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-6: VTC south of Chubby's off west side of Abilene by wall 8

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A9: Area inlet in back parking lot behind Village Inn Restaurant

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A11: VTC entrance to South Gore at NB I225 Mississippi offramp

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-20: Curb inlet on south side Mississippi just west of NB I225 Off Ramp at Mississippi, filter fabric covering

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A7: VTC in gore area west of NB onramp at Mississippi

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A11: Area inlet at north end of gore west of NB onramp at Mississippi

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A5: VTC near MSE Wall 13, west side of Abilene, north of Mississippi

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

ST-A4: Sediment Trap north of mississippi east of NB I225 mainline, just below VTC-A8

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

O-1 outfall at Jewell Wetlands Pond

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

O-2: Outfall on Tollgate Creek at 11th

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-12: Inlet on east side of Abilene at Self Storage building

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-13: Inlet on east side of Abilene at corner of Jewel

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

VTC-A4: VTC to at entrance to Kiewit yard at Jewel

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-23: on grade inlet on south side of Jewel just east of Abilene

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-22: on grade inlet on east side of Abilene just south of Jewel

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-14: Inlet on east side of Abilene at Gander Mountain

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-15: Inlet on east side of Abilene just south of Gander Mountain entrance

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-16: Inlet at Abilene and Evans, on South side of Evans

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-17: Inlet on east side of Abilene at Carrabbas

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-18: Inlet on east side of Abilene at Bell

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  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

A-19: Inlet on east side of Abilene just south of entrance to Bell

  • Add media

  • Current condition?

  • Observations

  • Actions taken, Date, Initials

  • "I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in accordance withe a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gathered and evaluated the information submitted. Based on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the information, the information submitted is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true, accurate and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fine and imprisonment for knowing violations."

  • Add signature

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