
  • Document No.

  • Audit Title

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

1. SHOP- Does the Shop look GREAT?

  • a) Is the Shop and till area clean and uncluttered?

  • b) Are all fixtures and fitting in good condition?

  • c) Uncluttered walkways, entrances and escape routes?

  • d) Are all of the lights working?

  • e) Are all customer facing devices (eg. screens, media) operating as specified?

2. SHELF- Does the merchandising look GREAT?

  • a) Are all products neat, straight and aligned?<br>

  • b) Are all products clean and in good condition?<br>

  • c) Are the shelves fully stocked with best sellers? (staff member should be able to tell you best sellers)<br>

  • d) Is the product pricing clear and in the correct positions?<br>

  • e) Are there promotions with visual impact in place?<br>

3.SERVICE- Are customers receiving GREAT service?

  • a) Are Customers acknowledged within 30seconds of entering the shop?<br>

  • b) Are all staff professional, courteous and friendly?<br>

  • c) Are Customers accompanied or politely directed to products by staff?<br>

  • d) Are shopping baskets readily available for Customers?

  • e) Is the the checkout Q no greater than 3 mins, bags packed with a smile?<br>

4. STAFF- Are staff prioritising Customer needs?

  • a) Are all staff well groomed?

  • b) Are uniforms worn consistently by all staff members?

  • c) Are staff proactively approaching customers?<br>

  • d) Do our staff exhibit positive body language and engage customers with a smile?<br>

  • e) Are name badges in place consistently?<br>

5. SELLING- Do our staff have excellent selling skills?

  • a) Are the staff assessing Customer needs efficiently? (asking questions to ascertain correct products)<br>

  • b) Do our staff understand their products and categories? (provide Customers with product knowledge)<br>

  • c) Are impulse offers at tills being highlighted?<br>

  • d) Are staff link selling and upselling once initial purchase decided upon? (recommending additional purchases)<br>

  • e) Are staff closing sales effectively and LAGs regulations being respected? <br>

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.