Document No.
Flight number Inbound "OR364"
Registation "PH-TFX"
Origin / Destination "CUR/SFB"
Conducted on
Prepared by (TUI employee) "HVE"
Airport "AMS"
Ramp Checklist
FOD check done, VGDS on and teams and equipment ready at ATA+3
Blocks/GPU connected?
Cones placed? (wingtips, engines)
Bridge / Stairs connected on time? Latest ATA +3
(Off) Loading/servicing ok?
Condition and cleanness of all equipment ok?
100% security flight WITH bagscatter?
Are engines of vehicles parked on aircraft during servicing, switched off with brakes on?
Position of all equipment on ramp ok?
Position of equipment PRIOR to departure?
95% of last bag figures les than 45’ vs block-on
Pax Disembarking Checklist
Axxicom present at arrival?
Axxicom enough staff?
Customs present? Bagscatter?
Cleaning present?
Baggage Checklist
Crew baggage present/handled first?
95% of last bag figures les than 45’ vs blocks-on
If any delay; time of delay?
Delay code according to TUI employee / auditor. Accountable delay codes: 12, 13, 15, 18, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 38, 52