Document Id:
Date of review:
Site Address:
- Building 01 (Peters Arcade)
- Compton House
- Building 03 (Stockton's)
- Building 3ab (Lumya)
- Building 4a (Eagle House)
- Building 4b (Edward Rushton)
- Building 4c (Stanley Building)
- Building 5a (Flannels)
- Building 5b (Plus Dane Manesty's Lane)
- Building 6 (Bridgestreet)
- Building 7 (Plus Dane College Lane)
- Building 7a (Russell)
- Building 8 (Keys Court)
- Building 13a (Odeon)
- Building 13b
- Building 13c
- Building 14 (Costa)
- Builfing 15 (Debenhams)
- Building 17a (JLP Bridge)
- Park
- Site Wide
- Lifts
- Escalators
Cleanall Representative:
Vertical Surfaces Audit Sheet
High Level Windows
High Level Frames/Sills
High Level Cladding
High Level Stainless Steel
High Level Building Fabric
Low Level Windows
Low Level Frames/Sills
Low Level Cladding
Low Level Stainless Steel
Low Level Building Fabric
Canopy (Top)
Canopy (Underside)
Canopy (Framework)
Staircase (Internal)
Staircase (External)
Staircase (Framework)
Balustrades (Internal)
Balustrades (External)
Balustrades (Framework)
Entrance Doors (Internal)
Entrance Doors (External)
Entrance Doors (Framework)
Lifts Internal
Lifts External
Lifts Canopies
Stainless Steel Posts
Glass Panels High Level
Glass Panels Low Level
What is the observation?
What are the areas of non conformance?
What is the observation?
What are the areas of non conformance?
What is the observation?
What are the areas of non conformance?
What is the observation?
What are the areas of non conformance?
What is the observation?
What are the areas of non conformance?
What is the observation?
What are the areas of non conformance?