Title Page

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Client:
  • Address:

  • Municipal or DOT

  • MOA # (If Applicable):

  • Council Permit # (If Applicable)

  • TGS/TMP #:

  • Client:

  • Client Supervisor:

Vehicle Details

  • Ute 1 Registration:

  • Driver 1:

  • Licence #:

  • Ute 2 Registration:

  • Driver 2:

  • Licence #:

  • Ute 3 Registration:

  • Driver 3:

  • Licence #:

  • Ute 4 Registration

  • Driver 4:

  • Licence #:

Crew Details

  • Team Leader Name

  • White Card

  • RIIWHS302E – Implement Traffic Management Plans

  • RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat

  • Offside TC 1 Name

  • White Card

  • RIIWHS302E – Implement Traffic Management Plans

  • RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat

  • Offside TC 2 Name

  • White Card

  • RIIWHS302E – Implement Traffic Management Plans

  • RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat

  • Offside TC 3 Name

  • White Card

  • RIIWHS302E – Implement Traffic Management Plans

  • RIIWHS205E Control traffic with stop-slow bat

Site Constraints

  • What are the weather conditions?

  • Has the site been set up considering weather conditions?

  • Is there adequate line of sight on approach to the job site?

  • Is there a train station near works? If yes have increased pedestrian movements been considered?

Items for Inspection:

  • Arrow Board Operating?

  • Beacons Operating?

  • First Aid Kit On Board Vehicle?

  • Site File On Board Vehicle?

  • Daily Pre-Start Vehicle Inspection Complete?

  • TMP/TGS Implemented correctly as per Generic/Approved Plan?

  • Pedestrian and Motorists understanding/adhering to TGS?

  • Signage setup correctly including flags?

  • Are signs gated if required?

  • Are repeaters implemented? If yes are they gated for dual lane and on the left for single lane each direction?

  • Are all multi message frames in tact? Any damaged or broken frames?

  • Are all core flutes clean, in tact and reflective?

  • Are flags clean, in tact and bright?

  • Are cones/bollards clean, in tact and reflective?

  • Correct spacing between Signage in accordance with relevant road speed?

  • Taper length in correlation with relevant road speed?

  • Has VicRoads been notified?

  • Have ALL SWMS applicable been dated and signed along with address listed for job by ALL employees?

  • Is the required PPE in use and adhered to in accordance with relevant job (Day/Night)?

  • Is PPE clean, not faded or ripped?

  • Does the crew understand evacuation points or understand where to find procedure during Emergencies?

  • Have measures been taken to remove/cover any contradictory, distracting or unnecessary signs or markings?

  • Are Signs/Bats free of damage / defects or Non-Reflectivity?

  • Have Pedestrian, Cyclist and the Disabled needs been considered?

  • Stop/Slow bats at hand

  • Are containment fences / no go zones required and installed?

  • Are trailer or vehicle mounted flashing arrows in use where necessary?

  • Are vehicles in good & clean condition with company logos?

  • Are fire extinguishers present and the tag within a six month inspection date?

Traffic Controller Conduct

Inspection Points

  • Are all traffic controllers displaying appropriate behaviour/conduct on site & representing themselves in adherence with company protocol?

  • Have all workers (including traffic controllers) been consulted on work related matters affecting safety (Toolbox Meeting if applicable/SWMS/JSEA)?

  • Is there an adequate amount of traffic controllers on site in accordance with breaks/rest requirements of personnel?

  • Is the team leader regularly checking signage to ensure signage hasn’t flipped down or if signage has been amended to suit moving works if necessary?

  • Do all TCs have a clear escape path?

Night Work Conduct

  • Do all traffic controllers have a reliable method of communication?

  • Are all traffic controllers wearing correct high visibility clothing in correlation with Night PPE requirements?

  • Is there adequate lighting that supports good visibility at night for workers & road users?

  • Have all traffic controllers been provided lighted wands to direct traffic?

Audit Summary:

  • undefined

Highlights (Positive Feedback):

  • undefined

Problematic Areas (Potential Risks/Incorrect):

  • undefined

Corrective Actions (How to rectify any potential risks/incorrect issues):

  • Additional Comments:

  • Auditor:

  • Signature:

  • Date:

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.