Title Page

  • Service Name

  • Address
  • Service Manager

  • Operations Manager

  • Managing Director

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by


  • Are traffic routes/parking facilities suitable for vehicle and pedestrians?

  • Is there sufficient external lighting?

  • Are there gritting facilities available at site?

  • What condition are external walkways in?

  • Are all external handrails available at all sloped edges/steps?

  • Is there adequate refuse facilities available (with secure clinical bins where applicable)?

  • What condition are the grounds being maintained in?

  • Are external grounds suitably secured (including workshops/garages/storage areas)?

  • Is the building structure free of any obvious defects or problems (i.e. damaged windows, loose drainpipes, damaged/unsecured roof tiles, etc)?

  • Has a structural condition survey been carried out for any large trees in grounds?

  • Are there adequate security arrangements at the premises?

  • Was the premises free of any other hazards related to exterior safety? (please detail below)

  • Are there adequate toilet/washing/changing facilities for personnel?

  • Is there sufficient drinking water available for all persons?

  • If cold water machine available at site – Is there evidence of 6 monthly sanitisation in place?

  • If the workplace is uncomfortably warm/cool, have measures been taken to ensure reasonable comfort?

  • Where smoking facilities are provided for both colleagues/people we support, is the environment signed/adequately ventilated/controlled?

  • Is indoor lighting sufficient in all areas?

  • Are changes in internal floor levels marked clearly (e.g. steps between floors/handrails fitted where necessary)?

  • Are restricted access areas secure (i.e.: boiler/plant rooms, electric panels, chemical cupboards)?

  • Are all furniture coverings in good/clean condition?

  • Are all walkways in good condition and free of any obstructions or trip hazards?

  • Is the waste cleared regularly from the premises?

  • If any waste is contaminated or hazardous, are special arrangements made for its disposal (e.g. sharps, needles, soiled clothing, etc.)?

  • Was the interior premises free of any other hazards related to the working environment? (please detail here)

  • Notes and observations. Please details any corrective action that needs to be taken not covered within the questions above.

Food Safety

Food Safety

  • Has the kitchen been registered with the local authority?

  • Are the domestic extraction system grease filters regularly cleaned (evidenced in cleaning schedules)?

  • Has the whole extraction system been contract cleaned within the last 12 months and certificate available for evidence (Commercial Extraction Cleaning Only)?

  • Are the storage areas clean (floors, walls, shelves, etc)?

  • Are all appliances in clean good working order?

  • Are dirty and clean equipment clearly segregated?

  • Are raw and cooked foods clearly segregated?

  • Are meat and dairy foods clearly segregated?

  • Are products covered and labelled with details (including ingredient, date made or opened, use by date)?

  • Are coloured chopping boards provided and in good condition for the preparation of different products (e.g. red, green, and white, etc.)?

  • Are the chopping boards being used correctly (observation)?

  • Is there comprehensive evidence (by cleanliness of kitchen & equipment) and uptodate cleaning schedule for:

  • Daily

  • Periodic (Weekly/Monthly)

  • Are cleaning chemicals stored away separately from any food?

  • Are hand wash basins within the kitchen fully stocked, clean, and in good working order?

  • Have kitchen the following kitchen forms been completed accordingly?

  • HACCP review

  • Daily fridge and freezer temperature checks

  • Daily food temperature checks

  • Delivery inspection records

  • Food allergens inventory

  • Monthly probe calibration

  • Was the premises free of any other hazards related to the kitchen? (please detail below)

  • Notes and Observations



  • Is there a clearly defined laundry - 'dirty in and clean out' process in operation?

  • Is there suitable PPE available (i.e. goggles, gloves, aprons)?

  • Are isolation points of all laundry equipment identified/suitable signage in place?

  • Is there evidence of up to date cleaning schedules:

  • Daily

  • Monthly (Equipment)

  • Please give a subjective assessment of how clean the Bathrooms are? (detail findings in notes)

  • Please give a subjective assessment of how clean the Bedrooms are? (detail findings in notes)

  • Please give a subjective assessment of how clean the Communal areas are? (detail findings in notes)

  • Were resident areas free of cleaning trolleys/chemicals unless supervised?

  • Are colleagues following the Microfiber colour coding system:


  • Red – bathroom & toilet

  • Green – public areas

  • Blue – resident rooms

  • MOPS

  • Red – bathrooms & toilets

  • Blue – other areas

  • Was the premises free of any other hazards related to housekeeping? (please detail below)

  • Notes and Observations

H&S Communication and Signage

H&S Communication and Signage

  • Are there prominently displayed H&S Law poster(s) posted around the site and filled in correctly (i.e. identifying H&S contacts/reps, if applicable)?

  • Is the visitor signing in procedure being adhered to?

  • Is the contractors information sheet accessible and is there evidence available of its use?

  • Are details of the business continuity plan accessible?

  • Give a subjective assessment on H&S as a standard agenda item in team meetings and supervisions?

  • Are the following topics discussed with colleagues:

  • Risk assessments and control measures?

  • Fire drills and evacuation plans?

  • Accidents and incidents and lessons learned?

  • Safety alerts and H&S communications?

  • Actions from the fire and legionnaires risk assessments?

  • Are the results of the meeting communicated to all colleagues & actions implemented?

  • Notes and Observations

Accidents and Incidents

Accidents and Incidents

  • Is first aid equipment checked regularly and the contents restocked/in date?

  • Are accident and near miss forms signed/dated by manager with actions identified and implemented?

  • Have all accidents been uploaded onto CMS within a timely fashion?

  • Were all RIDDOR reportable incidents within the last 12 months communicated to the H&S Team and reported to HSE on time?

  • Is the workplace free of any current absences that are due to H&S/any recent cases of serious incidents (i.e. stress, violence)?

  • Was the premises free of any other concerns related to first aid and accident management? (please detail here)

  • Notes and Observation



  • Have all new employees, including those who are temporary, received induction training (with records available)?

  • What is compliance rate for following courses:

  • Albac Mat

  • First Aid (basic life support)

  • Fire Evacuation Chair

  • Fire Safety Awareness

  • Food Safety

  • Health and Safety

  • Infection Prevention and Control

  • Lone Working

  • Moving and Handling (level 1)

  • Moving and handling (level 2) if applicable

  • Risk Assessment for Managers

  • Give a subjective assessment on the safe systems of work in place for specific tasks including Hoists, vehicle tail lifts, wheelchair vehicle restraints, and cleaning of spillages of bodily fluids?

  • Notes and Observations

Risk Management

Risk Management

  • Are there adequate records of suitable and sufficient risk assessments for: (give a subjective assessment of the quality)

  • Access to Dangerous Areas?

  • DSE?

  • Electrical Safety?

  • Equipment Safety - Lifting Equipment?

  • Equipment Safety - Profiling Beds?

  • Equipment Safety - Bedrails & Bumpers? (Generic Risk Assessment & Specific Tool)

  • First Aid?

  • Gas Supply & Fitted Appliances

  • Manual handling of Loads?

  • Pregnant/nursing mothers?

  • Outside Safety?

  • Violence to colleagues?

  • Work at height?

  • Use of oxygen/gas?

  • Working Alone?

  • Young Persons/Workers?

  • Persons we support Activities?

  • Securing Furniture?

  • Transport and driving?

  • Supported persons - moving & handling?

  • Infection Prevention Control?

  • Laundry Risk Assessment

  • COSHH (with datasheets available)?

  • Is there evidence that assessments are reviewed at least annually?

  • Are all risk assessments easily accessible to all colleagues?

  • Have the service regularly reviewed and signed off open actions relating to H&S within their consolidated action plans?

  • Was the premises free of any other concerns related to risk management? (please detail here)

  • Notes and Observations

Property Compliance

Property Compliance

  • Legionella

  • Is there a water survey and risk assessment available on VPS? This should include a written scheme and schematic diagram for controlling the risk from exposure to legionella bacteria from hot and cold-water systems


  • Inspection and disinfection of cold water storage tank (Cistern)

  • Cold storage tank temperature remote from ball valve

  • Inspection of calorifier

  • Clean/disinfect ponds/water features (where applicable

  • TMV Service


  • Clean and descale all showerheads and aerosol generating outlets


  • Check temperatures of cold water sentinels

  • Check temperatures of hot water sentinels (outlets with TMVs fitted are identified and temperatures taken from pipework)

  • Check temperature of flow and return pipes on the calorifier

  • Has the probe that is used to record temperatures been calibrated


  • Flushing of little used outlets

  • Has suitable and sufficient training, instruction and information been given to employees, as appropriate, on the safety procedures that are necessary to obviate legionnaire’s disease?

  • Was the premises free of any other hazards related to water safety/legionella prevention? (please detail here)

  • Electrical Safety

  • Is the electrical fixed installation system subject to periodic inspection and testing - fixed test certificate/EICR report?

  • If recommendations noted - have they been actioned?

  • Has Portable Appliance Testing been completed within last 12 months and records up to date?

  • Are electrical systems free from overloading? (as could be observed)

  • Was the premises free of any other hazards related to electrical safety? (please detail here)

  • Has an asbestos survey been conducted and a register available which identifies where the asbestos is in the building

  • If so, is it made available to relevant personnel/contractors?

  • Have all the required remedial actions, identified in the asbestos management plan, been carried out?

  • Are isolation procedures clearly made available to all colleagues? (Gas, Electricity, Water)

  • Has the heating/air conditioning system received regular maintenance and servicing

  • Has the tumble dryer received as minimum an annual service and clean? (Commercial Style)

  • Has an annual Gas Safe examination been completed and certification available on VPS?

  • Have 6-monthly LOLER inspections/thorough examinations of all lifting equipment including any hoists/baths/slings/passenger lifts been completed and certification available on VPS?

  • Within the last 12 months, has there been any high risk works that have needed a PTW/HWP and were these issued?

  • Comments / Observations

Internal Checks and Inspections

Internal checks and Inspections

  • Are all company vehicles being maintained and serviced at intervals detailed in the manufacturer’s instructions?

  • Are the company vehicles in good condition with no visible damage to the exterior or interior

  • Is there evidence of the following local inspections (where applicable):

  • H&S Hazard Checklist

  • Lint Removal, Fire Panel & Escape Routes

  • Vehicle safety checks

  • Temperature of medication storage

  • Ligature cutters

  • Bedrails checks

  • Wheelchairs

  • Walkers

  • Shower chairs

  • Shower trolleys

  • Profiling beds

  • Mattress Inspections

  • Tail lifts and Accessories

  • Hoist Check

  • Slings

  • Window restrictor checks

  • Assistive technology/Nurse Call system

  • Is there evidence that all checks and inspections are being adequately completed with any identified actions being completed and signed off?

  • Was the premises free of any other concerns related to internal checks, records or documentation? (please detail in here)

  • Notes and Observations

Fire Safety and Documentation

Fire Safety and Documentation

  • Has a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA) or Fire Risk Assessment review been conducted as part of ongoing best practices (ideally within the last 12 months)?

  • If so when, date / signed / reviewed:

  • Has an action plan been implemented / signed off within stated timescales?

  • Discuss / note priorities

  • Are any local fire/emergency/evacuation procedures documented and communicated?

  • Please give a subjective assessment of the quality of the service's fire emergency plan.

  • Are the fire/emergency procedures accessible/available to the emergency services?

  • Give a subjective assessment on the quality of the fire zonal map

  • Have Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans (PEEPs) been completed for all relevant persons?

  • Please give a subjective assessment of the quality of PEEPs.

  • If so, are these regularly reviewed and correspond with overall PEEPs summary (and available for the Fire Brigade)?

  • Give a subjective review of the Person Centered Fire Risk Assessments for high risk individuals (Fire Setters, Smokers, Independent cookers)

  • Are all colleagues trained locally in fire emergency plans and if applicable the use of fire evacuation equipment?

  • Are daytime fire drills being completed routinely (at least quarterly) with detailed records including: night colleagues, different scenarios, assisted evacuation?

  • Are nighttime fire drills being completed routinely (at least quarterly) with detailed records including: night colleagues, different scenarios, assisted evacuation?

  • Give a subjective assessment on the quality of fire drills?

  • Is suitable Fire Action Signage in place and suitably posted around the site?

  • Is the Grab Bag in an accessible location with all contents checked?

  • Fire Maintenance – Contractual Service & Maintenance Evidence at site:

  • Fire Alarm & Detection

  • Emergency Lighting

  • Firefighting Equipment - extinguishers/blankets/hose reels/suppression system

  • Sprinkler System – if relevant

  • Fire Maintenance – internal checks / tests:

  • Fire alarm testing (weekly – testing different call points on a rotational basis)

  • Sprinkler System – if relevant (weekly check)

  • Smoke vents- if relevant (weekly)

  • Automatic closing doors (weekly – check doors close fully)

  • Emergency lighting function (at least monthly)

  • Visual inspection of Fire fighting equipment (monthly)

  • Carbon Monoxide Detectors/Automatic Detectors (Monthly)

  • Dorgard Checks (Monthly)

  • Visual inspection of Fire doors (monthly)

  • Was the premises free of any other hazards related to fire safety? (please detail here)

  • Notes and Observations

Scores and Summary

  • Inspection

  • Food Safety

  • Housekeeping

  • H&S Communication and Signage

  • Accidents and Incidents

  • Training

  • Risk Management

  • Property Compliance

  • Internal Checks and Inspections

  • Fire Safety and Documentation

  • Overall Audit Score

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.