
  • Audit Title

  • Document No.

  • Client / Site

  • Conducted on

  • Prepared by

  • Location
  • Personnel

  • Freight shed Ramp

  • Port

  • Flight Number

  • Movement

  • A/C

  • Scheduled Flight Period Date

Ramp and Aircraft Arrival

  • Are ramp staff ready in sufficient time for the aircraft arrival and safely positioned for the aircraft arrival?

  • Are stairs in a serviceable condition prior to use ie:- rubber buffers, slide rails?

  • Check the serviceability of GSE. Are tyres, lights, rubber buffers, safety rails and vehicles serviceable?

  • Safety zone clear

  • Is the Ramp area properly cleared in preparation for aircraft arrival; ie:- all equipment behind limit lines including rolling stock?

  • Is the apron clear of FOD (including general rubbish around the building line, uncollected equipment; eg:- wooden pallets, catering items, waste)?

  • Do staff pick-up FOD? Are there FOD bins?<br>

  • Was the aircraft correctly Marshall using correct hand signals onto bay or stand?

  • Is a clear thumbs-up given by handling staff for clearance to approach aircraft after the aircraft’s anti-collision lights are turned off, the engines shutdown and chocks inserted?<br>

  • Have safety cones/ witches hats been deployed in front and behind engines or strategically positioned?

  • Are operators complying with the Standard Operating Procedure for Circle of Safety?<br> <br>

  • Is the marshalling of vehicles such as high-lifts and stairs done in a consistent, professional manner when equipment is positioned to the aircraft?

  • Are NO SMOKING regulations strictly enforced around our aircraft operations?<br>

  • Are vehicles and equipment on the Ramp operated at a safe speed (ie:- walking speed around )?

  • Is the tarmac clear of grease/oils that could result in a slippery surface (particularly under engines and near GSE parking)?<br>

  • Do Ramp staff wear Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) as required ie:- hearing protection, safety shoes, hi-vis vests, and where appropriate, bump hats?

  • Do staff observe the “no seat no ride” rule?<br>

  • Are safety rails used on equipment fitted with them, especially when being operated in a raised position?<br> <br> <br> <br>

  • When servicing the toilet system, do the staff wear appropriate Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) ie:- face shield, gloves, apron, hearing protection?

  • Are ramp staff aware of the procedures when either the forward or rear lower cargo doors have a faulty latch or unserviceable counter balance.<br>

  • Additional information

  • Pictures taken

Unloading/ Loading

  • Is the Cargo Door Opening procedures completed by Flight Crew or Engineers (not ramp staff)?<br>

  • Is the correct gap maintained between the rubber bumper of the GSE equipment and the aircraft?<br>

  • Do operators of high-lift equipment ie:- passenger steps and catering vehicles, ensure guard/hand rails are fully retracted before positioning to the aircraft and are they fully extended to aircraft fuselage after positioning to the aircraft?<br>

  • Are equipment, work stands and vehicles positioned in such a way as to prevent aircraft door damage should the aircraft settle during unloading/loading? <br> <br>

  • Are they monitored?

  • Are container loader guides used on JCPLs for off and on loading of ULDs?<br>

  • Are belts in fully down position and handrails lowered when mobile beltloaders (conveyors) are driven around the apron?<br> <br>

  • Do drivers towing baggage carts/rolling stock follow a safe path when approaching and leaving the aircraft?<br>

  • Do drivers come to a complete stop before releasing rolling stock from tugs?<br>

  • Are brakes/chocks applied (where fitted) to rolling stock when parked?<br> <br>

  • Are all stabilisers deployed when GSE positioned at aircraft (where fitted)?<br>

  • Is the fuelling vehicle provided with a clear exit from the aircraft? (nothing blocking it in vehicles/rolling stock)<br> <br>

  • Do operators observe the no parking/no go, hazard zone areas of under aerobridges?<br> <br>

  • Do all unattended motorised vehicles/equipment have engines off and hand brakes applied?<br> <br>

  • Do Ramp staff avoid the jet blast and engine intake areas?<br> <br> <br> <br>

  • Is the person responsible for supervising the loading of the aircraft in attendance at all times when loading is in progress?<br> <br> <br> <br> <br>

  • Is the aircraft inspected to check for main deck cargo lock configuration and determination of any lock movements requirements? Are lock movements coordinated with the Engineers?

  • Is the aircraft loaded according to ALM/ RHM loading procedures?

  • Are supernumerary passengers who walk across the Ramp to/from the aircraft escorted and directed away from hazards eg:- fuel vents, jet blast?<br>

  • Are the correct container cards used for baggage & cargo? Are the container cards marked with Flight No., Date, Destination and Weight?<br>

  • Are cargo ULDs/barrows crosschecked and validated against the corresponding LIR?<br> <br> <br> <br>

  • Does the Loading Supervisor inspect all ULDs for damage or deformation prior to loading? <br> <br>

  • Does the Loading Supervisor inspect all Horse Containers for serviceability in accordance with the ALM? <br> <br><br>

  • Do ULD’s properly secure their contents, are all restraining straps in position.

  • Is the Aircraft Loading Checklist completed correctly and signed on completion?<br>

  • Has the Loading Supervisor noted the container volumes/pieces and any deviations in the Departure Report field on the LIR?<br>

  • Was the provisional load sheet/ Captain's Update, LIR, and NOTOC provided to operating crew prior to departure? Note time provided at time of departure.<br>

  • Has the Loading Supervisor printed their name and signed the LIR on completion of loading?

  • Are livestock secured correctly?<br>

  • Are any special loads secured correctly? (Engines, overhangs, etc.)

  • Does the Loading Supervisor enter the hold to check locks are activated where there are no fits and ensure door sills and bulk webbing is properly done up?

  • Did all loading staff receive a copy of Load Instruction Report (LIR) before loading commenced?<br>

  • Additional Information

  • Pictures

Freight shed / Paperwork

  • Record the number of the latest revision for;

  • ALM Manual

  • Ramp Handling Manual

  • Standing Orders for weight and balance manual or ALM

  • Weight and Balance Important Notices

  • Qantas Group Dangerous Goods Manual

  • Have staff completed a self audit in the last 6 months. Note date of self audit and obtain results

  • List the Audit Findings (Item Number only) from the preceding mandatory submission of the Ramp Self-Audit Checklist?<br> <br>

  • Are the Corrective Actions associated with previous audits finalised? If “No”, must provide reason(s).<br>

  • Has the Loading Supervisors of the flight/flights observed completed Loading Supervisor training? Obtain name and crosscheck against training records.<br>

  • From a sample of four operators, have they completed appropriate Ramp and ALM training for the equipment they operated and the loading/unloading tasks? Obtain names and crosscheck with records.<br>

  • From the last five (5) flight files, is there a copy of the:-<br>

  • Signed NOTOC?

  • Provisional Loadsheet/ Captain's update

  • Signed copy of LIR

  • Completed Aircraft Loading Checklist?

  • Signed Aircraft Loading Checklist?

  • How long are copies of documents kept? Site oldest document (must keep up to 90 days)

  • Is filing system for documents accessible and functional?

  • Service Provider will ensure that suitable equipment is used for the accurate weighing of cargo. Such equipment must be inspected and calibrated on a regular basis (at a frequency prescribed by local weights and measures authorities) and where applicable tagged or labelled to indicate calibration currency. Proof of such is to be available for inspection.<br>

  • Service Provider will ensure that they have a satisfactory communications system in place between Load Control and Ramp, to ensure that relevant uninterrupted information can be relayed quickly and effectively.<br>

  • Sight Dangerous Goods Training records for Ramp staff

  • Discuss with Ramp staff process for advising of a loading or dangerous goods Incident. Confirm staff are aware of process and know where appropriate notification form resides.<br>

  • Additional Information

Summary / Additional comments

  • Additional comments about audit

  • Add media

Sign Off

  • Enter the date and time

  • Comments

  • Represenattive Signature

  • Auditor Signature

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.