Title Page
British Airways Engineering
X FORM ref no. : QU-X902
Issue Number: 02 Issue Date: 10/04/2015
Maintenance Task Audit
1 Audit conducted by
Stamp No.
2 Maintenance task conducted by
Stamp No.
3 Maintenance task Description:
4 Is the correct maintenance documentation being used?
5 Has Safety precautions been adhered to prior to starting Maintenance task? ( System isolation/team communication)
6 Is appropriate PPE in use? ( Including safety glasses)?
7 Are AMM warnings, cautions & advisories being adhered to?
8 Is the defect card suitably staged & progressively certified?
9 Is the correct tooling / equipment / materials for task being utilised?
10 Has any necessary paperwork been completed and IE4Ns transacted?
11 If any answers to questions 5 - 11 are ‘No’ please provide details.
12 Is the engineer performing a task within scope of their authorisation?
13 If the answer to question 12 is No, is the individual being adequately supervised?
14 Please detail any significant positive or negative observations
I )
ii )
iii )
15 Feedback given to participating engineer
16 Detail any Actions required to assist engineer to achieve the required competency
i )
ii )
iii )
17 Review previous task audits completed and ensure actions have been effective.