Audit Title
Job #
Conducted on
Prepared by
Prior To Staring Task
Does Coating Applicator have valid Operator Qualification for this task?
Was work done under Span of Control? 1:1
List name of qualified person overseeing the task.
Does the Psychrometer have a current calibration?
Enter Calibration Date
Has DFT Meter been field calibrated today?
Complete For Each Feature Coated
What Type of Coating is being Used
Check Expiration Date
Is that humidity percentage within the range allowed for the coating you are using, 0-85%
Is the ambient temperature within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br> 32-140°F for Protal 7200, 41-140°F for 3M 323 and 50-140°F for Devgrip 238 .
Is that anchor profile within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br>2.0 - 4.5 mils for Protal 7200, 1.5 - 4.0 mils for 3M 323 and 2.0 - 4.0 mils for Devgrip 238.
Is that pipe surface temperature within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br> 50-200°F for Protal 7200, 41-200°F for 3M 323 and 50-200°F for Devgrip 238.
Is the WFT you measured within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br>20-60 mils for Protal 7200; 25-60 mils for 3M 323; 26-30 mils for Devgrip 238.
Is the DFT you measured within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br>20-60 mils for Protal 7200; 25-60 mils for 3M 323; 20-26 mils for Devgrip 238.
Perform Holiday Detection at correct voltage, 3200 volts normally recommended
Repair all Holidays Detected
Perform Visual Inspection
Attach Picture
Enter Weld # or Station
What Type of Coating is being Used
Check Expiration Date
Is that humidity percentage within the range allowed for the coating you are using, 0-85%
Is the ambient temperature within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br> 32-140°F for Protal 7200, 41-140°F for 3M 323 and 50-140°F for Devgrip 238 .
Is that anchor profile within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br>2.0 - 4.5 mils for Protal 7200, 1.5 - 4.0 mils for 3M 323 and 2.0 - 4.0 mils for Devgrip 238.
Is that pipe surface temperature within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br> 50-200°F for Protal 7200, 41-200°F for 3M 323 and 50-200°F for Devgrip 238.
Is the WFT you measured within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br>20-60 mils for Protal 7200; 25-60 mils for 3M 323; 26-30 mils for Devgrip 238.
Is the DFT you measured within the range allowed for the coating you are using?<br>20-60 mils for Protal 7200; 25-60 mils for 3M 323; 20-26 mils for Devgrip 238.
Perform Holiday Detection at correct voltage, 3200 volts normally recommended
Repair all Holidays Detected
Perform Visual Inspection
Attach Picture