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  • Audit Introduction: Batching Goods/Parts Compliance
    This audit is designed to assess the integrity and compliance of the goods receipt, inspection, and batching process within the company, ensuring that all procedures meet the requirements set out by ISO 9001:2015, BCAR A8-21, and BCAR A8-24. The goal is to verify that all incoming goods, including raw materials, new catalogue parts, and aircraft components, are handled, inspected, and recorded in a controlled manner that ensures quality, traceability, and conformity to specifications.

    This audit covers key activities such as:

    Goods Receipt: Verifying that the goods are checked against purchase orders, inspection records, and incoming paperwork upon delivery.
    Inspection and Conformance: Ensuring that all goods undergo necessary inspections, and corrective actions are implemented when discrepancies are found.
    Batching Process: Confirming that goods are properly batched, recorded, and traceable to the original purchase order, including proper marking and labeling for easy identification.
    Storage Conditions: Verifying that goods are stored appropriately, whether as free issue or bonded, and that the conditions are suitable for maintaining product integrity.
    Traceability: Ensuring a full traceable link from the goods in the warehouse back to the original purchase order, including all relevant inspection records and documentation.
    This audit will examine the effectiveness of these processes in preventing non-conformance, ensuring that goods are handled in compliance with company standards and regulatory requirements. The audit will also assess the training and competence of personnel responsible for batching to ensure they are adequately qualified.

Goods Receipt & Initial Inspection

  • Is the delivery documentation checked against the purchase order upon receipt?

  • Are discrepancies in the delivery noted and acknowledged in the goods receipt paperwork?

  • Is the condition of the goods inspected before accepting the delivery?

  • Are oversized goods stored temporarily in the unloading area until further inspection?

Goods Inspection Prior to Batching

  • Is the purchase order number on incoming paperwork confirmed to match the Retro purchase order?

  • Are unpackaged goods visually inspected for satisfactory condition before being batched in?

  • Are raw materials checked against the mill certificate/material data specification and Retro purchase order?

  • Are new catalogue parts from approved or company-approved suppliers inspected and confirmed to meet requirements?

  • Are new or ‘new old stock’ aircraft parts from approved suppliers inspected and recorded in the comments column?

  • If goods are not inspected in the Goods In area, are they issued with a Yellow label for required inspection and tracked?

Batching Goods/Parts

  • Is the batch number clearly recorded on the packaging or goods for traceability?

  • Are raw materials marked with a batch number (e.g., via vibro etching or stamping) to ensure traceability?

  • Are goods that pass inspection appropriately batched in and stored as free issue or bonded, with conditions appropriate for the goods?

Corrective Actions & Continuous Improvement

  • Are corrective actions documented and implemented for any goods or parts that do not meet inspection criteria?

  • Is there a process for identifying recurring issues and implementing long-term solutions in the batching process?

Training & Personnel Competence

  • Are personnel responsible for inspecting and batching goods trained and assessed for competence regularly?

  • Are training records for personnel in the batching area maintained and up-to-date?

Equipment & Tools

  • Are the tools and equipment used in the batching process?

  • Are the tools and equipment used in the batching process regularly calibrated and maintained?

  • Are batching tools checked before and after use for proper functionality?

Traceability of Batching

  • Can each item in the batching folder be traced all the way back to the original purchase order?

Summary of Clauses Covered

  • ISO 9001:2015 Clauses Covered:
    Clause 8.5.1 – Control of Production and Service Provision: Ensures control of the batching process, including inspection and storage.
    Clause 7.5 – Documented Information: Ensures proper management of records, including purchase orders, inspection reports, and batch documentation.
    Clause 6.2 – Actions to Address Risks and Opportunities: Includes actions for addressing risks related to non-conformance during batching and inspection.
    Clause 7.2 – Competence: Ensures personnel involved in batching are adequately trained and assessed.
    BCAR A8-21 & A8-24 Clauses Covered:
    BCAR A8-21, Section 3 – Personnel Competence: Ensures personnel are competent to carry out tasks associated with goods inspection and batching.
    BCAR A8-24, Section 4 – Training Programs and Records: Ensures that training records for personnel involved in batching are properly maintained.
    BCAR A8-24, Section 5 – Documentation: Covers the control and maintenance of batching and inspection records for traceability.
    BCAR A8-21, Section 4 – Process Control: Covers the control of processes related to batching, ensuring conformity and traceability of goods.

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