Title Page

  • British Bakels Liverpool

  • Conducted on

  • Youssef El Jazouli


  • Walls, ceiling, equipment belts, machinery, and floors Visually Clean

  • No excessive pooling of water

  • Line free from damage & engineering issues

  • Area free from unnecessary equipment (equipment not needed to run the line)

  • Work stations free of clutter

  • Equipment is clean intact and fit for purpose (No damage)

  • Pallet trucks and forklift are clean and in designated areas.

  • Is the general fabrication in the area satisfactory (no foreign body risks, damaged areas, engineering issues etc)?<br>• No rust<br>• No flaking paint<br>• No loose mastic<br>• No Sellotape engineering<br>


  • Are the correct pallets in use? (wooden / plastic / fumigated)

  • Are the pallets stored neatly and in the correct locations?

  • Are Pallets intact and free of damage / loose bits of wood?

Cleaning Utensils (colour, storage, use)

  • Not stored on the floor or left unattended.

  • Correct colour by area/usage

  • Utensils in a good & clean condition

  • Shadow boards used correctly

Pest Control

  • Doors closed when not in use

  • Curtain strips/screens intact & Clean

  • No Gaps around under doors (No Daylight visible)

  • EFKs working (All lights On)


  • Drains Clean and Free from debris

  • Drains Free from off odours

Production and materials (packaging , finished/packaged products)

  • Only material / packaging needed for current run is on the line

  • Material and products covered correctly/fully when not is use

  • All materials labelled correctly with full traceability information

  • Any lubricants/glues stored close to the line must be so in a secure and stored in designated area

Physical / Chemical Contamination controls

  • Equipment in use is controlled/factory issue pens, markers and scrapers

  • Any damage reported via start up checks (check corrective action must be detailed)

  • Plastic bags or seals opened correctly as per procedure

  • Safety knifes & Scissors are issued and used as per procedure

  • All chemicals correctly labelled

  • Chemicals locked when not in use

Waste Control

  • Appropriate clean bins in place for waste

  • Waste materials segregated correctly

  • No overflowing bins

  • No bags tied/taped to side of lines

Protective clothing and hairnets/ beard snoods

  • Are all employees observed during the time of the audit wearing the correct Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for their tasks and roles?

  • PPE must cover all personal clothing (i.e. no roll neck sweaters, high neck hooded jumpers, scarves etc.)

  • Hairnet is correctly worn (all hair contained within hairnet)

  • Beard snoods are worn over beards and moustaches


  • Are the hand wash facilities clean and soap, sanitiser, hand towel and hot water available?

  • Gloves are in Good condition and intact

  • Material gloves worn only by finished product packers, only carrying out task

  • Footwear clean and in good condition

Personal practices

  • Fingernails are short, clean and free of nail varnish or false nails

  • No Excessive makeup/perfume/aftershave is worn

  • No false eyelashes are worn

  • Only a plain wedding band is worn, no other jewellery is permitted.

  • Glasses do not have stones in them and are not to be left unattended

  • Only company issues mobile phones are observed

  • Open cuts/grazes are covered by factory issue blue plaster

  • No evidence of eating on the shop floor

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.