Title Page
Conducted on
Prepared by
Crew / Sale Area / Road name
Harvest Contractor and Crew
Do roads, water tables, or culverts require maintenance by Rayonier, Contractor or Purchaser?
Have all machinery parts, oil filters, grease cartridges, waste oil, paint cans, ropes, drums and rubbish etc been removed from the site?
Has corduroy been lifted and stacked?
Has logging waste been managed as per harvest plan?
Is landing drainage sufficient?
Has all slash been removed from significant waterways marked on harvest plan?
Is there any evidence of uncontrolled crossing of waterways by machinery?
Have all temporary crossings been removed?
Has riparian vegetation been excessively damaged?
Is there excessive damage to waterway banks?
Have covenanted and / or designated sensitive areas been unnecessarily damaged?
Is there any evidence of parallel / excessive tracking or unacceptable mid-slope tracking?
Is there any evidence of earthworks not covered in pre-harvest meeting or harvest plan?
Have track cutouts been installed as required?
Has slash been used on tracks to trap sediment and reduce runoff and compaction?
Is there any evidence of excessive gouging along haul lines?
Has the overall level of soil disturbance been kept to a minimum?
Is there any merchantable volume on the cutover?
Is there any merchantable volume on the landing (including corduroy)?
Have all exotic / crop trees in the sale area been felled? (If NO then mark location of any remaining trees on map)
Are there any standing trees that could be a hazard to aerial spraying operations? (If YES then mark on map and pass to Tree Crop rep.)
Have any trees outside the sale area been felled?
Has any adjacent stand been affected (excluding exceptions noted in pre-harvest meeting)?
Is the average stump height acceptable (other than tie backs)?
Have slovens been kept to a minimum?
Have all fences etc been left in the agreed state?
Have all Rayonier signs been replaced?
Are there any new significant site hazards to be added to Rayonier's hazard register?
Are there any new waste wood issues that need urgent attention (stabilising / burning / recovery for processing)?
Have there been any fuel / oil spills requiring clean-up?
Actions required, By Whom and By When
General Comments
Action required to mitigate environmental effects should be transferred to the EMS Actions Register. Tick the box to indicate applicable actions have been entered into EMS.