Audit Title
Document No.
Client / Site
Conducted on
Prepared by
1.0 - HSSE
1.1 - Does the team member know the procedure to use in an emergency?<br>(Emergency Flip Chart, Duress Alarm, Safe Haven, Evacuation Point)
1.2 - Is the team member wearing the portable duress alarm?
1.3 - Is the team member completing regular safe drops, not greater than $200? Is there less than $350 in active cash drawers?
1.4 - Is the team member aware of BP Incident Reporting Procedures?
1.6 - Is the CCTV operational and recording?<br>(all cameras clear, monitors working, front door monitor displaying and facing entry)
1.8 - Are the storeroom and console doors closed? <br>(exemption for night pay window stores: console door)
1.9 - Is safety equipment and PPE is being used appropriately? <br>(team wearing vests etc)
1.10 - Are the switchboard area, meter box, safe haven door and emergency exit(s) clear?
1.11 - Is the console area clear and free of clutter?<br>(emergency buttons clear and accessible, no calculators located near cash drawers)
1.14 - Are the safe and cigarette cabinets locked?
1.15 - Is the team member adhering to Locked Door Policy? <br>(9pm-6am in WA, review store specific exemptions)
1.17 - Lighting: Can you see clearly into the store from the forecourt?<br>(Deterent for offenders)
1.18 - Lighting: Does the CSR have a clear view outside to the forecourt?<br>(Fuel Authorisation and view of events occurring on the forecourt)
1.19 - Are the storeroom and BOH doors in good working order and alarmed if appropriate?
1.20 - Is the night pay window being utilized and is the exterior signage correct?
2.0 - Customer Experience
2.21 - Is the team member providing customer service with a smile? <br>(observe 3 customers)
2.22 - Is the team member Upselling/suggestive selling?<br>(observe 3 customers)
2.24 - Are management and team members compliant with uniform standards?
2.31 - Is the overall presentation of the food service offer clean, organized and uncluttered? Are the food display cabinets well displayed and adherent to zoning requirements?
2.39 - Does the team member have any questions regarding their role/activities?
2.40 - What does the team member like about their role?
2.41 - What could we do differently to assist the team member in their role?
2.42 - Is the team member comfortable in completing their role/activities?
3.0 - Store Processes
3.44 - Are the reference cards being utilized to complete activities?
3.52 - Are staff purchases check sealed or have a receipt attached?
4.0 - Other Observations & Notes