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Fire Triangle

Sources of Ignition

  • Is No Smoking sign displayed at entrances

  • Is there a cigarette disposal receptical

  • Are portable/gas/electrical heating systems prohibited

  • Is the building secure from arson

  • Are other sources of ignition excluded

Sources of Fuel

  • Are walls free from combustible coverings/items

  • If flammable substances are used or stored are they away from sources of ignition

  • Are fuel sources kept away from ignition sources

  • Is waste kept away from sources of ignition

  • Can windows and doors be closed in an emergency

  • Can mechanical air flows from fans or air conditioning units be stopped in an emergency

People at Risk

People at Risk

  • Is the use of flammable chemicals prohibited when lone working

  • Can all employees react to a fire alarm or strobe light

  • Are people who are unfamiliar with the premises prohibited from access

  • Are people who are unfamiliar with the premises accompanied at all times

Fire Detection & Warning

Fire Detection & Warning

  • Are arrangements in place for detecting smoke/fire and providing a warning

  • Are fire alarms tested on a weekly basis

  • Would warning of smoke/fire give sufficient warning to all people to evacuate the building

  • Does smoke/fire detection include secluded/unmanned areas

Means of Escape

Means of Escape

  • Can people turn away from a fire and escape from all parts of the premises

  • Do all escape routes lead to a place of safety

  • Are escape routes free from combustible materials

  • Taking account of reaction time can all people get to a place of safety within 2 - 3 minutes

  • Is emergency lighting provided in areas which would otherwise be dark during a loss of power

  • Is emergency lighting tested on a monthly basis

  • Are corridors/staircases protected by fire doors where necessary

  • Are escape routes of adequate width 750mm

  • Where necessary do doors open in direction of escape

  • Are fire exits easy to open without the need for a key

  • Are fire doors kept closed or fitted with closing mechanisms connected to the fire alarm

  • Where necessary do fire doors self close

  • Are escape routes adequately signed using photo luminescent pictograms

Fire Fighting Equipment

Fire Fighting Equipment

  • Is suitable & sufficient fire fighting equipment provided

  • Is fire fighting equipment sealed and within inspection date

  • Is fire fighting equipment on/or adjacent to fire exit routes or fire exits

  • Are employees competent in using fire fighting equipment

  • Is fire fighting equipment clearly visible and signed

Fire Emergency Plan

Fire Emergency Plan

  • Is the fire emergency plan available within the premises

  • Have all staff received an induction using the necessary fire emergency plans

  • Is annual refresher training carried out using the fire emergency plan

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.