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  • Auditor's signature : I agree with the audit findings

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  • Auditee's Job title

  • SOI<br>Staff facilities shall be sufficient to accommodate the required number of personnel, and shall be designed and operated to minimise the risk of product contamination. The facilities shall be maintained in good and clean condition.

4.8.1 Changing facilities

  • Designated changing facilities shall be provided for all personnel, whether staff, visitor or contractor.

  • These shall be sited to allow direct access to the production, packing or storage areas without recourse to any external area.

  • Where this is not possible, a risk assessment shall be carried out and procedures implemented accordingly (e.g. the provision of cleaning facilities for footwear).

4.8.2 Storage facilities for personnel

  • Storage facilities of sufficient size to accommodate personal items shall be provided for all personnel who work in raw material-handling, preparation, processing, packing and storage areas.

4.8.3 Outdoor clothing and other personal items

  • Outdoor clothing and other personal items shall be stored separately from production clothing within the changing facilities.

  • Facilities shall be available to separate clean and dirty production clothing.

4.8.4 Hand-washing facilities

  • Suitable and sufficient hand-washing facilities shall be provided at access to, and at other appropriate points within, production areas.

  • Such hand-washing facilities shall provide, at a minimum:

  • advisory signs to prompt hand-washing

  • a sufficient quantity of water at a suitable temperature

  • water taps with hands-free operation

  • liquid/foam soap

  • single-use towels or suitably designed and located air driers.

4.8.5 Toilets

  • Toilets shall be adequately segregated and shall not open directly into production or packing areas.

  • Toilets shall be provided with hand-washing facilities comprising:

  • basins with soap and water at a suitable temperature

  • adequate hand-drying facilities

  • advisory signs to prompt hand-washing.

  • Where hand-washing facilities within toilets are the only hand-washing facilities provided before re-entering production, the requirements of clause 4.8.4 shall apply and signs shall be in place to direct people to hand-washing facilities before entering production.

4.8.6 Nicotine addicts

  • Where smoking is allowed under national law, designated controlled smoking areas shall be provided which are both isolated from production areas to an extent that ensures smoke cannot reach the product and fitted with sufficient extraction to the exterior of the building.

  • Adequate arrangements for dealing with smokers’ waste shall be provided at smoking facilities, both inside and at exterior locations.

  • Electronic cigarettes shall not be permitted to be used or brought into production or storage areas.

4.8.7 Food brought into manufacturing premises by staff

  • All food brought into manufacturing premises by staff shall be appropriately stored in a clean and hygienic state.

  • No food shall be taken into storage, processing or production areas.

  • Where eating of food is allowed outside during breaks, this shall be in suitable designated areas with appropriate control of waste.

4.8.8 Catering facilities (including vending machines)

  • Where catering facilities (including vending machines) are provided on the premises, they shall be suitably controlled to prevent contamination of products (e.g. as a source of food poisoning, the use of allergenic ingredients or introduction of new allergenic material to the site).

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