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Prepared by
Auditee's signature : I agree with the audit findings
Auditee's name
Auditee's Job title
Where a site completes animal primary conversion (e.g. for red meat, poultry or fish), the following requirements apply, in addition to those within the rest of the Standard.
SOI<br>For animal primary conversion, the site shall operate controlled processes that ensure products are safe and fit for intended use.
5.9.1 Risk assessment for potential prohibited substances
<br>The company shall undertake a risk assessment for potential prohibited substances (i.e. those prohibited by legislation in the country of operation or intended country of sale). Example substances include pharmaceuticals, veterinary medicines (e.g. growth hormones), heavy metals and pesticides.
The risk assessment may be completed as part of clause or as a separate activity.
The results of the risk assessment shall be included in raw material acceptance and testing procedures and in the processes adopted for supplier approval and monitoring (see clauses–
5.9.2 Lairage and post-mortem inspection
Where the site is in receipt of live animals, there shall be an inspection by a suitably competent individual at lairage and post-mortem to ensure that the animals are fit for human consumption.
5.9.3 Traceability of edible parts
The site shall operate procedures to ensure that the traceability of all edible parts of the carcass (i.e. all parts that are intended for the human food supply chain) is maintained.
5.9.4 Time and temperature requirements for all post-slaughter processes
The site shall establish defined time and temperature requirements for all post-slaughter processes (for example, post-slaughter cooling, processing, storage and distribution).
These requirements shall be defined for all chilled or frozen, edible parts of the carcass.