Title Page

  • Prepared by

  • Conducted on

Instructional Guidance

  • 1. This Inspection Logbook captures all Self-Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) equipment used at Hinkley Point C Fire & Rescue Service (FRS) and therefore, is not interchangeable with, or applicable to any other Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) not detailed within this logbook.

  • 2. This Inspection Logbook is to be used to record all Standard Tests carried out at station level.

  • 3. All SCBA equipment is accounted for by its individual identification number. These serial markings are used to analyse individual pieces of equipment prior to populating the response record section of the logbook. If an item is replaced, the item should be recorded as 'off the run' indefinitely and the replacing item added to the logbook, making sure the new item's identification marking is captured in the logbook.

  • 4. All entries must be made in accordance with an inspection type and rationale for inspection. Defective and/ or quarantined items must be submitted with a descriptive note, photo and assigned action response within the sub-section of each item.

  • 5. The incident type and use of equipment (relevant information) should be entered in the remarks section, i.e: - Training or Operational Use/ - Whether used in Heat or Smoke/ - Duration of use in minutes and bar.

  • 6. The type of SCBA and set indetification number are to be recorded under the 'Inspection Type' sub-section.

  • 7. The pressure reducer, Lung Demand Valve (LDV), bodyguard, body guard battery pack and back plate serial numbers are to be recorded in a separate sub-section.

  • (G) General Check = Daily Inspection without separation of BA Cylinder

  • (ST) Standard Test = Inspection following exercise, incident or whereby the BA Cylinder has been disconnected/ exchanged.

Breathing Apparatus Standard Test Inspection

  • Enter Test Inspection Type


  • Enter Inspection Type

  • The serial number of the reducer and DSU fitted to the SCBA is to be recorded below. Use, maintenance and testing is to be recorded in the SCBA Use, Test and Maintenance record Sub-section.

  • FACE MASK & LDV TAG Number: EPE000AAA09B

  • BODYGUARD Distress Signal Unit TAG Number: EPE000AAA09A

  • BACKPLATE TAG Number: EPE000AAA001

Use, Testing & Maintenance Record

  • Examination Check Type

  • Body Guard 7000

  • Personal Line

  • Face Mask & Seal Test

  • Cylinder Contents (BAR)

  • Cylinder TAG Number (Last 3 Characters)

  • SCBA Set Operational Serviceability

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'


  • Enter Inspection Type

  • The serial number of the reducer and DSU fitted to the SCBA is to be recorded below. Use, maintenance and testing is to be recorded in the SCBA Use, Test and Maintenance record Sub-section.

  • FACE MASK & LDV TAG Number: EPE000AAA095

  • BODYGUARD Distress Signal Unit TAG Number: EPE000AAA097

  • BACKPLATE TAG Number: EPE000AAA002

Use, Testing & Maintenance Record

  • Examination Check Type

  • Body Guard 7000

  • Personal Line

  • Face Mask & Seal Test

  • Cylinder Contents (BAR)

  • Cylinder TAG Number (Last 3 Characters)

  • SCBA Set Operational Serviceability

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'


  • Enter Inspection Type

  • The serial number of the reducer and DSU fitted to the SCBA is to be recorded below. Use, maintenance and testing is to be recorded in the SCBA Use, Test and Maintenance record Sub-section.

  • FACE MASK & LDV TAG Number: EPE000AAA09D

  • BODYGUARD Distress Signal Unit TAG Number: EPE000AAA09C

  • BACKPLATE TAG Number: EPE000AAA003

Use, Testing & Maintenance Record

  • Examination Check Type

  • Body Guard 7000

  • Personal Line

  • Face Mask & Seal Test

  • Cylinder Contents (BAR)

  • Cylinder TAG Number (Last 3 Characters)

  • SCBA Set Operational Serviceability

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'


  • Enter Inspection Type

  • The serial number of the reducer and DSU fitted to the SCBA is to be recorded below. Use, maintenance and testing is to be recorded in the SCBA Use, Test and Maintenance record Sub-section.

  • FACE MASK & LDV TAG Number: EPE000AAA09E

  • BODYGUARD Distress Signal Unit TAG Number:

  • BACKPLATE TAG Number: EPE000AAA066

Use, Testing & Maintenance Record

  • Examination Check Type

  • Body Guard 7000

  • Personal Line

  • Face Mask & Seal Test

  • Cylinder Contents (BAR)

  • Cylinder TAG Number (Last 3 Characters)

  • SCBA Set Operational Serviceability

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'


  • Enter Inspection Type

  • The serial number of the reducer and DSU fitted to the SCBA is to be recorded below. Use, maintenance and testing is to be recorded in the SCBA Use, Test and Maintenance record Sub-section.

  • FACE MASK & LDV TAG Number: EPE000AAA09F

  • BODYGUARD Distress Signal Unit TAG Number:

  • BACKPLATE TAG Number: EPE000AAA067

Use, Testing & Maintenance Record

  • Examination Check Type

  • Body Guard 7000

  • Personal Line

  • Face Mask & Seal Test

  • Cylinder Contents (BAR)

  • Cylinder TAG Number (Last 3 Characters)

  • SCBA Set Operational Serviceability

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'


  • Enter Inspection Type

  • The serial number of the reducer and DSU fitted to the SCBA is to be recorded below. Use, maintenance and testing is to be recorded in the SCBA Use, Test and Maintenance record Sub-section.

  • FACE MASK & LDV TAG Number: EPE000AAA098

  • BODYGUARD Distress Signal Unit TAG Number: EPE000AAA099

  • BACKPLATE TAG Number: EPE000AAA065

Use, Testing & Maintenance Record

  • Examination Check Type

  • Body Guard 7000

  • Personal Line

  • Face Mask & Seal Test

  • Cylinder Contents (BAR)

  • Cylinder TAG Number (Last 3 Characters)

  • SCBA Set Operational Serviceability

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

Cylinder Inventory

  • Enter Test Inspection Type

BA Cylinder (1) - EPE000AAA4YK

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (2) - EPE000AAA

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (3) - EPE000AAA4YQ

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (4) - EPE000AAA4YM

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (5) - EPE000AAA4YJ

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (6) - EPE000AAA4YP

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (7) - EPE000AAA4YT

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (8) - EPE000AAA4YR

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (9) - EPE000AAA4YN

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'

BA Cylinder (10) - EPE000AAA

  • Operational Status

  • Do you want to take this item 'OFF THE RUN?'


  • Incident Type and/ or Use of Equipment

  • Enter any other observations


  • Full Name and Signature of Inspector

  • Full Name and Signature of Crew Commander

The templates available in our Public Library have been created by our customers and employees to help get you started using SafetyCulture's solutions. The templates are intended to be used as hypothetical examples only and should not be used as a substitute for professional advice. You should seek your own professional advice to determine if the use of a template is permissible in your workplace or jurisdiction. You should independently determine whether the template is suitable for your circumstances.