Title Page
Building Name
Conducted on
Prepared by
Security/ Emergency/ Contractors/ Heights/ Environment
1. Answer "Yes", "No", "N/A" for the questions below.
2. Add photos and notes by clicking on the paperclip icon.
3. To add a Corrective Measure click on the paperclip icon then "Add Action", provide a description, assign to a member, set priority and due date.
4. Complete audit by providing digital signature.
5. Share your report by exporting as PDF, Word, Excel or Web Link.
Note: This form can be used to conduct and record the results of a monthly inspection of a building within Australian Federal Police (IFM A7741 AFP) assets.
1.0 Security
Are all contractors completing the sign in/out register in full? (Check work permits have been completed correctly if they have been required)
Are Security staff directing all contractors to the facility manager upon arrival to site?
2.0 Emergency Procedures
Are all emergency access and exit points clear of obstructions?
Is signage in place to ensure all emergency exit points are clearly marked?
Are fire extinguishers labelled and in date? (Check all floors)
Are the correct fire extinguishers provided where labels are displayed?
Is the area around fire extinguishers and fire doors clear and are fire extinguishers and hoses easily accessible?
Are all emergency Exit Signs in working order?
Are emergency lights in emergency exit stairwells in working order?
Are emergency exit diagrams on display to all visitors, contractors and employees and up to date?
3.0 Contractors
Have all contractors completed the online induction?
Have all contractors been inducted into the building and signed the site House Rules document?
Have SWMS and work permits been signed in and out by contractors conducting work within the building?
Are all contractors wearing company lanyards and have correct PPE whilst working in the building?
4.0 Working at Heights
Are all openings in floor or voids covered by secure and load capable material?
Are railing and barriers secure and in good working condition and currently in date? (Static lines and anchor points)
Are there any new areas present with the potential for falls to occur?
Is roof access and working at heights permits available with completed permits held on site? (Check for correct completion of permits)
5.0 Work Environment
Is the Hazmat and Asbestos registers easily accessible to all contractors and tenants?
Is the Hazardous Materials register and signage up to date
Are all floors maintained to be free of slip and trip hazards?
Is ventilation throughout work areas comfortable and within the correct set point temperatures?
Are all lights operational with a minimal of 5% out and no more than two banks out at any one time? (check critical areas outside lifts and stairwells)
Please proceed to the next section.
Amenities/ Confined Spaces/ Electrical/ Plant Equipment
6.0 Amenities – Ground to Level Five – Toilets & Showers
Is the exterior and interior of the building clean and free of rubbish and trip hazards?
Are toilets clearly marked, and do they have operational lockable doors, adequate lighting and ventilation?
Are amenities clean?
Is SDS register is up to date? Check SDS register is up to date for Cleaning chemicals and Plant room Chemicals. SDS registers must be held with chemicals and a copy made available in the fire control room.
7.0 Amenities - Basement – Toilets, Showers & Change Facilities
Is the exterior and interior of the building clean and free of rubbish and trip hazards?
Are toilets clearly marked, and do they have operational lockable doors, adequate lighting and ventilation?
Are amenities clean?
Is SDS register is up to date? Check SDS register is up to date for Cleaning chemicals and Plant room Chemicals. SDS registers must be held with chemicals and a copy made available in the fire control room.
8.0 Confined Space
Is the confined space register in place and up to date?
Are confined space permits available for use by personnel requiring entry to a confined space?
Are confined space permits completed by all personnel requiring entry to a confined space?
Are the completed confined spaces permits stored in a readily accessible location?
9.0 Electrical
Are all plugs, sockets, power boards and cords in working order and secured to avoid trip hazards?
Are all electrical tags up to date? (check all floors)
Is the use of extension cords limited to temporary use only?
10.0 Plant Equipment
Has plant equipment been serviced according to schedule requirements?
Are all plant rooms clear of equipment, fixtures and fittings?
Are lock out procedures in place for all plant items?
Are spill kits, eye wash stations and ear plugs available?
Inspected by: