Site conducted
Name of Business entity and initials of person reporting event
Name of injured person or registration of asset
Date & Time
First Name and Surname
Line Manager
Person/Business Contact Name and Number
Incident Report
Report type
Describe the event or hazard and what you did to prevent it escalating.
please select injury type
Name of injured person
DOB of the injured person
Role/ Trade Type
Photo ID with current address or Epass
Address of injured person if no photo ID with no current address available
Name and contact details of witness
Activity when injury was sustained
Where did the injury occur?
- Burbank Site
- BBS Site
- Private Builder
- Office
- External Contractor Site
- Outside of work regime
Injury Location
- Head
- Face
- Ears
- Eyes
- Neck
- Chest
- Abdomen
- Back
- Shoulder Left
- Shoulder Right
- Arm Left
- Arm Right
- Hand Left
- Hand Right
- Fingers left hand
- Fingers right hand
- Elbow Left
- Elbow Right
- Leg Left
- Leg Right
- Hip left
- Hip Right
- Buttocks
- Groin
- Thigh left
- Thigh Right
- Knee Left
- Knee Right
- Shin Left
- Shin Right
- Ankle Left
- Ankle Right
- Foot Left
- Foot Right
Type of injury
- Sprian Strain
- Abrasion
- Bruise
- Burn
- Bite/sting
- Concussion
- Crush/Impact
- Electric Shock
- Laceration
- Allergic Reaction
- Amputation/De-Gloving
- Dislocation
- Foreign Body
- Fracture
- Hearing Loss
- Heat Illness
- Hernia
- Internal injury
- Respatory
- Other
Did a first aid responder provide first aid
If no please provide reason
- First Aider Unavaliable
- Patient Refused First Aid
- First Aider not able to provide assistance
- No Medical kit avaliable
- other
Name and contact details of first aid responder
Did the injured person stop work?
State date and time
please provide name, time and contact details of person the incident was reported to
Name of treating doctor, physician or medical centre
Has the incident site been protected and undisturbed for so an investigation may proceed and regulator inspect.
please provide name, time and contact details of person the incident was reported to
Type of asset that has been damaged eg: vehicle, plant, scaffold, structure etc.....
please describe asset type
How did damage occure
Details of responsible party
Has rectification of damage been actioned
Person/organisation completing rectification work
did the incident involve any of the following
- Plant
- Vehicle
- Structure
- scaffold
- Electrical asset
- council asset
- Neighbouring property
- overhead structure
- other
Was the emergency services regulator notified/called to the scene?
- Ambulance
- Fire Brigade
- Police
- WorkSafe Officer
- Officer of the electrical commissioner
- Power company
- Water utilities
- Gas utilites
- other
Name/s and contact details of the person attended
If any person from an emergency service or regulatory office attends the site/scene please contact your line manager and HSE immediately.
please provide name, time and contact details of person the incident was reported to
DO NOT ADMIT LIABILITY IN ANY CIRCUMSTANCE - CALL R&C Manager if unsure (exchange driver licence details only)
please take a photos of the following
Describe event and actions
Where the emergency services called, if so provide details
Has the other driver admitted fault if so please ask the to sign the following statement
I acknowledge I am at the driver at fault in this instance
Describe the substance or hazard and what you did to prevent it escalating.
Describe the Plant & Equipment hazard and what you did to prevent it escalating.
Describe the environmental hazard and what you did to prevent it escalating.
Describe the hazard and what you did to prevent it escalating.